I was met with three needles to my left shoulder. I didn't bother dodging.
"Where is the Assassin's Guild lair?"
I removed the needles and walked up to the dwarf. I lifted him up by the collar of his shirt with my left hand and put the presumably poisoned tips of the needles dangerously close to his face.
"Threatening me won't do you a lick of good if you got the poison in you already."
I raised an eyebrow and showed a smile.
"How long is THIS one supposed to take?"
The dwarf immediately realized that I wasn't playing right now.
"Y-You should be on the ground writhing already..."
"That so? Wanna see how long it takes you?"
I brought the needles even closer to him.
"NO! No... I- I can take you to the guild."
I threw the needles at the closest wooden pillar. The force that I used flustered some nearby paperwork and the needles went deep enough into the wood to disappear from view.
"Are you a member of the guild?"
"After we get there, I want you to stay at least until you are dismissed with the others."
I lowered him to the ground and shoved him toward the entrance of the shop.
"Just bring me there."
I could tell that he thought he was in the clear. He thinks that the others will take care of me and his problem will be over. Sorry, guy. That isn't happening today.
He locked up shop behind us and led me to the closest exposed portion of the wall that surrounds the city. There was a hidden door that led into a decrepit portion of the wall. A place that was abandoned and forgotten. The ground below was dug out into a tunnel. We followed until the depth made it too dark to see.
*Fit* *Fit* *Foosh*
The dwarf lit a torch and began leading the way once more. The tunnel began to widen and makeshift walls held up the ceiling. Green torches were lit along the walls, exposing this open area. It was smaller than the guild in Fricity but it was much more open. Several shops along the walls were manned and there were groups of assassins chatting in various locations.
I heard stomping coming closer.
"A-haha. Wrath never thought he would see you here."
Great. Shark-meat-head is here.
"Not here for you."
"Must be for me then."
The one-armed dwarf walked out from behind Wrath. I tilted my head and felt my right eye twitch.
"Partly because of you. I never would have known where to look if you hadn't told me your story."
I could hear more chatting around me from the other assassins. They were slowly realizing who I was.
"Partly because of me? You forced me to sever my arm and you aren't here to finish me off? You came to the middle of an assassin's guild with a bounty on your head. How dumb are you? HOW DUMB CAN YOU BE?!"
He was quickly overcome with rage.
"MY ARM IS GONE! I thought I had found a worthy opponent and he just walks into a nest of poisonous stingers... Waste of time. Waste of MY ARM!"
He patted Wrath on the arm.
"Smash him to bits. If you hold back, I'll kill you myself, then him."
Wrath punched his fist into his other palm.
"With pleasure."
He began stomping toward me. I took a step back and prepared myself.
His slow movements were easy to read. I dodged multiple swings effortlessly. He began to get frustrated and punched a pillar. He began to pick up the rubble.
I was tired of this game.
I rushed forward and kicked him square in the stomach. He let go of the chunk of rock as he flew into the far wall. Wrath fell to the ground.
My strength was not unnoticed. Some of the nearby assassins started backing off.
The one-armed dwarf took out a blade.
"I'll have to finish you myself."
He disappeared from view. I looked around.
'Rage? Mother? Is this another time slow?'
I felt a slash at my back that went from shoulder to shoulder. The straps of my backpack were severed and my cloak had a huge horizontal gash.
'I can't sense anything different. This is something else. Mother agree's with me.'
The dwarf appeared back at the spot where he originally was.
"Well? Like it? I have a different WoM this time. I won't tell you what it does."
He disappeared again. I started to rush forward. I was quickly thwarted by a slash at my calves. I fell forward. I landed on my hands. I could hear some assassins cheering and others laughing. The cuts weren't deep. I healed up in seconds.
"So. You can heal quickly. Is that a WoM that you are in possession of?"
I think it's best if he keeps guessing at that.
A slash on my right peck. Another on my left foot.
"Tell me where it is and how to use it. In exchange, I'll make your death quick."
"Come and find it."
A slash on the back of my head. Then another following my spine from neck to tailbone. I was covered in blood at this point.
Yet another slash at my eyes. I stepped back in pain.
"Oh? So something can get to you?"
I held my hands up to my face to block any future attacks at my eyes.
I heard his first two steps before the rest disappeared. My right hand was covered by the hood of my cloak. I activated my void glove and waited.
I felt the blade begin to cut my cheek. I instantly reached forward with my left hand
As I had planned, he went for the eyes again, despite my hands. The blade was severed by my void glove and he stopped just enough to let me grab hold. I removed my void glove.
I punched him in the face. He was instantly knocked out.
"Boss's speed dagger was defeated."
"Shhh! Idiot!"
"What? The dagger is broken, It won't work if it's broken."
They weren't very quiet. But, now I have an idea of what was going on. This dagger was probably speeding him up so fast that I couldn't see him. Too bad. Could have used that.
"Hey. Release the boss. You can't beat all of us."
"Yeah! We know your weakness! If we all go after your eyes, someone will get a hit in."
"Try to your heart's content. I don't need enemies. I need allies. If you help me, I won't do this to you."
I lifted the dwarf off the ground with enough force to suspend him in the air for a split second. That was enough time to clap my hands through his chest and back, destroying his insides in an instant. His bloody pulp of a body slushed to the ground.
The crowd was quiet. Some of them cowered. One did not shy away. He approached. I was expecting a fight but, he removed his hood and kneeled before me. It was a griffon.
"If you become the new guild leader, I will follow and obey. I will only follow the strongest."
I looked around. More came up and removed their hoods and kneeled.
"I follow and obey."
"I follow and obey."
Over and over. The same thing is said from each of those that came to me.
"I refuse to follow a usurper."
A voice said behind me. I turned to see... a needle. A needle landed in my eye.
"You got 'em! That's what you get bastard! He hit your weak spot!"
"My weak spot? What weak spot?"
I removed the needle and bent it before tossing it aside. The two men were obviously dwarves from their stature. They cowered at how casually I removed the needle.
"You assault our new leader? Traitors! Kill them!"
A griffon had tried to oust the dwarves and have them killed. I stopped them.
"As I said. I'm looking for allies. If they do not want to be my allies, they can leave this city. They have seen what will happen to those who refuse to follow me AND refuse to leave the city."
At that, the two dwarves left in a hurry. Several others that had not pledged to me began to leave. Most that were leaving were dwarves. They may have started in Reinstorm and moved out here. Their original leader dead might mean they have nothing left here.
I heard stomping of the Wrath variety. I rolled my eyes.
"This again."
I muttered under my breath. I turned to face him. His face was not angry and showing teeth like usual.
He stopped a few feet away. He knelt down.
"Wrath follows and obeys."
That's a surprise...