V2Ch115 New Guns

'Fear. Make a new shadow for me to control. I can only think of one possible acceptable form. Something that could even instill a bit of fear into me. Something We've seen once before.'

'I know just the one...'


The sound of armor plating was almost deafening. My fellow anuran marched in unison all around me. It wouldn't be long before we reached the surface and prepared to march on the griffons. Hopefully for the final time.

Our new technology would surely turn the tide. How could they ever stand a chance against a weapon so deadly from such a distance? I praise the god that sent the stranger to aid us in our technological advances.

I just hope it's enough.

I am on the rear lines. I shouldn't be so nervous. Still, I can't stop thinking about my mate and tadpoles. Did I really do the right thing, joining the military force?

Even if it's too late to turn back, I can't not think about what could happen. What if they have some other new technology that makes our guns obsolete? We haven't had a real battle with the griffons in decades.


"Wake up, Heyro. Stop daydreaming."

My thoughts were interrupted by my friend, Arvest, slapping my shoulder.

"Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts."

"I could tell. You were off-beat. Gonna bring one of the commanders down on us if you don't straighten up your walk."

"Sorry. I'll keep my thoughts in the now."

The heads of our armies stopped at the entrances to many spiral stairwells that led to the surface.


I heard several commanders call out.

I looked down as if I was looking at my home and family on the level below.

The army began to move. I followed behind with strict movement. The first of us should be emerging on the surface about now.

I heard a few voices yelling out as if it was an echo. It was getting closer and closer. Guards that were positioned along the walls were calling out to each other.

"Execute prisoner OBF!"

That phrase sounded over and over until it was far in the distance and drowned out by the moving soldiers in armor.

OBF meant nothing to me. All I knew was that a prisoner was slated for execution.

I held my rifle tight as I began to ascend the stairs.

The ground shook so hard that my foot completely missed the first step. Scores of soldiers came falling down the stairs. The others behind me were struggling to stand up straight.

The movement stopped.

"Is it over?"

Asked a nearby soldier.

A strange sound began to come through the top of the staircase. It's hard to explain. It was like something large was moving quickly through the air. Like swinging a stick at nothing. But bigger... much much bigger.


Suddenly, the ceiling got very close. Everyone nearby had crouched down and covered their heads. It had bowed in but not shattered. Something landed above.


"What's going on, Arvest?"

"Don't know. We have to go up and see. This seems like fun and we haven't even left home yet."

My army began rushing upstairs. I stopped paying attention to any other army in the area. The ground was intermittently shaking. As if many large objects were landing on the surface above. I was almost prepared to see the sky falling once I make it topside.

It was a mad rush to get above ground. Gunfire could be heard. Lots of it. Arvest made it out before me. I found his back and looked past him.

"By the... Is that a God?"

He asked.

"It... It looks like a shueger."

One of those sea monsters that can drag a ship underwater with a single arm. A large oval body with ten writhing limbs. I never thought I would see one, let alone on land. It's so black. It's as if light is unable to pierce it.

"That thing is attacking. We need to help kill it."

That sound earlier was a limb, flying through the air. The impacts we felt were its limbs hitting the ground and crushing anything underneath.


A limb was coming down toward us. This thing looks like it's on the far end of our cities border but its limb can reach all the way over here.

Arvest pushed me out of the way before it could land. The ground shook us with so much force that we were weightless for a moment.

"Arvest! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... The others weren't so lucky."

Several members of our army were revealed as crushed when the limb of the creature removed itself. Arvest took several shots at the thing. He wasn't the only one and the shots didn't seem to make the creature even flinch.


The Commander called out for a rallying of the troops. Everyone in earshot complied with the order. Except me. I was hesitant. All we were doing was making ourselves easy targets.

I wasn't about to follow suit. But, I wasn't about to be called a coward or a deserter. I ran for the nearest tree and fired at the thing. I hid behind the tree to reload. Maybe it will be less likely to see me and attack way over here. I can't even tell if my bullets are hitting their mark.

As if to confirm my fears, a limb came down and crushed over half of the rallied troops with one attack. The Commander and Arvest survived. I wanted to get closer. Maybe my shots could do more damage.

I followed the tree line and took a shot every so often. It still seemed unphased.

"Heyro! We're coming!"

Arvest called out. I looked to see a small army following my initiative. They were taking cover among the trees and taking shots as they got closer.

Better than grouping up out in the open, I guess.

The Commander approached and took cover behind my current tree.

"I like your guts. If we survive this, I'm submitting a request to promote you."

I had no interest in staying away from my family after this.

"Who is that?"

The Commander asked. There was a lone person that had just emerged from one of the stairwells. He wasn't wearing any militant clothing.

"Is that a civilian? What is he doing out here?"

The commander asked several people to follow him. They ran toward the lone individual.


The individual was just staring at the giant creature. The Commander finally got close and started speaking to him. My stomach felt like it jumped up into my throat as I watched the stranger make some strange gestures. The Commander and his troupe of three stopped moving and fell. I could tell that something bad had happened.

The stranger was now coming this way.

"Heyro, we need to get out of here. That guy is dangerous. I think..."

"Yeah, I know. He killed them."

One of the soldiers charged at the stranger firing shots. The strangest thing happened. It was as if the wind was protecting the stranger. The bullets refused to hit him. I knew that a few shots were dead on. It seemed as though they swerved at the last second. This person is more dangerous than we previously thought.

"Stupid frogs. Ya got no emotions on ya faces. I hate it."

He swung his right hand from left to right.


Arvest called out. He shoved me to the ground.

"What are you waiting... for?"

I grabbed his hand as I said that. He fell next to me. He fell and his body separated into two halves. Everyone else around me did the same. Even some of the trees fell.

This person cut the air. It was like magic...

He started combing the area. I kept still as he walked right past me.

"Dumb frogs. I don't have time for their bullshit. I'm coming for ya, Userrrrr..."