V2Ch139 New Bandages

I knew the drill at this point and followed the official into the A-group area. I took an immediate right as soon as I entered and my head bumped into something soft yet firm with a leather outer cover. I was about to pull away when strong arms wrapped themselves around me and locked me thoroughly against the buxom figure of the bronze lizard-woman.

"Thank you. For saving the life of my one true love."

Her embrace seemed to be getting stronger as time moved on. If I actually needed air, I would have been struggling at some point.

"Number nine and eleven. It's your turn."

She let me go and calmly walked around me.

The only other competitor in the A-group was a female centaur. Her lower half was that of a full-sized horse that donned a full set of armor. Her upper half was similar to a human woman from the waist up. Her ears were obviously not that of a human and her upper half wore an Amazonian-like getup. Thin straps that barely cover the necessities and tribal paint on most of her exposed skin. She had hair that reached down to her equine back. It was dark and had an almost green shimmer to it.

They both followed the official out of the room. I was left with the room attendant that checked my stuff into the locker. She was quietly writing things onto some parchment behind her kiosk.

I began to lose myself in thought. I nearly fell asleep before the announcer's voice dug me out of my drowsy rut.

"Match three and four of round three! The winners of these matches will go onto the semi-finals along with Lake the newcomer and BAD DOG!"

I could hear the crowd cheer and laugh and the new nickname for The Black Hunt. I nearly chuckled myself.

"Match three consists of participants 20 and 23 from B-group! Number 20 is the rock golem, Mouphnite! Number 23 is the orc, Apleek! Both contestants are ready to go at a moment's notice."

I hardly paid attention to the announcer before now. I had no idea there was a golem in the tournament. I didn't even know they could fight. The golem at the blacksmith in Lak'tambu was always slow-moving. It was fascinating to watch him work. His slow movements made his accuracy with a hammer that much more efficient. Though, he had to re-heat his projects more often than the other smiths.

"In match four, we have contestants nine and eleven from A-group. Number nine is one of the returning favorites. A lizard-woman named, Minja! The Cold-Blooded Berserker! Her opponent is one that only showed up for the first time last year. Number eleven is Saphina, The Ironclad!"

Quiet filled the air. I imagined the referees getting into position and holding up two fingers each to show they were set.


"IT'S ON! Minja rushes Saphina right at the start and... What's this?! A piece of Mouphnite was thrown out of the ring! The referees aren't calling it.

It seems to me that...

Hmm? Oh... Okay.

I've just been updated on the rules! As long as Mouphnite does not reconnect with his lost piece before the end of the match, it will not be considered an out!"

Listening to the crowd kind of reminded me of the ocean waves crashing on the shore. Voices would rise and fall. As something exciting was happening, more people would cheer and the others who are trying to chat would raise their voice in parallel to continue being heard by their target audience. At last, the moment would calm and the excitement would temporarily die down, allowing the casual chatters to lower as well. The sound of voices never halted, even at the expense of the announcer. Just like the ocean.

"THAT'S IT! Match three is over! Alpeek is the winner by ring out! Match four is still in a heated battle. It seems like Minja can't quite get close to Saphina. The moment Minja tries, Sahpina lets loose a dangerous hind kick, forcing Minja to back away. It almost feels like a stalemate with Saphina on the defensive."

To my surprise, Grampus was walked in with three officials holding him up.

"You can let me down here for now. I'll get my stuff later."

The officials removed themselves. Grampus called over to me.

"Come. Sit with me for a moment. I would go to you but, I'm not moving well right now."

He was covered in bandage wrappings. A few had fresh bloodstains on them but most were pure white. I was comfortable in my current spot. I didn't want to move. I let out a long sigh and stood. It felt like a ritual to sigh before standing. I sat in a chair with one space between us.

"I appreciate what you did for me. When it was happening, I was already out. The officials told me what happened."

He looked up and scratched his cheek.

"You really knocked him out in one hit?"

"Not really. You had gotten a good headbutt on him. I also slammed him onto the ground before I smacked his face into the ground."


He paused. As the quiet continued, I listened to the announcer.

"OH NO! Saphina got a hit on Minja! She nearly slid out of the ring with that wallop of a kick. SOPHINA IS ON THE MOVE! She is rearing for a deadly stomp. Minja rolled out of the way and took back to her safe distance. Sophina went back to her defensive stance!"

Grampus leaned back.

"Some of these fighters... It makes me happy when they refuse to give up, even in the face of defeat. It always reminds me of my wife. She wasn't very strong physically. I didn't care about that. She had a will with the strength of a mountain. She would never lie down and accept defeat no matter what it was... Even... When she took ill."

"Is that how she..."

"Yes. There are rumors about her that are totally absurd. She never went to the Dark Lands. I refused to let her go there. Her condition was already bad as it was. I went to find a rare ingredient that could help cure her. I was so happy when I found it. You have no idea. It meant nothing in the end. When I got back, she was already gone."

He closed his eyes and put on a light smile.