I dredged across the Beast Lands with only one intention, south. My mind was wracked with thoughts of should's or shouldn't's of the past day. Thinking her name would nearly bring me to tears. I felt lost and alone all over again like I was on Earth and especially after I lost Mery.
I passed through two beast-man villages with only a few incidents of upset caused by my unresponsiveness. All the sound I was willing to let in was high and low tones. Words were meaningless to me right now.
One beast-man punched me. I think I stepped on something of his. Oh well. I kept walking.
I came across a third village. This time I made a conscious effort to skirt around the edge of the village. I might only cause problems for them anyway.
I found a ledge below the village on the left side that seemed to wrap around. It was only a small ledge that dropped down 30 or so feet.
It looked untamed by frequent travel. Weeds growing healthy. Bushes with sharp thorns. Good-sized rocks to stub a toe on. Nothing that would impede me.
Near the end of the outskirts of the village, I turned a corner and found a hidden opening on my left. It was a carved-out hole that only managed to go into the side of the rock wall about fifteen feet deep. Enough for a few people to take shelter.
In fact, people were occupying it right now. Their sounds filled my ears. In my sullen state, I wanted nothing to do with others. I continued south.
A few steps later, I felt a firm grip on the front of my shirt.
I got pushed back into the side of the hill below the village.
The previously irrelevant sounds and images became crystal clear. My muddled mind was distracted from 'her', and it was a welcome change.
Two beast-women stood before me. A third was still sitting down in the hollowed-out hole in the wall.
K - "I asked you a question. Who do you think you are, ignoring me like that?"
The one that had my shirt in hand was an obvious K-9 type. She had unkempt, medium-length, white hair with white fur-covered ears pointing up. Her snarl revealed her fangs. Her claws were short but looked filed down for added sharpness. Her voice was rough and filled with anger.
(K-9 voice will start with K -)
B - "Really. How rude can you be?"
This voice was calm but condescending. The one standing behind the K-9 was a bunny type. Her ears were long. One stuck straight up. The other was folded halfway and hung over her left eye. It gave an almost gothic look that was even more convincing with her black fur and several piercings.
(Bunny voice will start with B -)
The final member was giving a slight smirk in this direction as her friends harassed me. She was smaller than the others, which seemed to almost defy her lineage. From what I could tell, she was a mixed race between a lion and an elephant along with her human-like stature. A chimera of sorts? She had the obvious lion mane and tail while her ears and tiny tusks screamed elephant. Her claws were covered in golden fur and her feet were a bit thick and round. Her nose and eyes were about as human as they get.
(Chimera voice will start with C -)
C - "We got a good catch over there, or what?"
The chimera girl let out an odd snort after her sentence. Her voice seemed more mischievous than anything.
B - "Come and see for yourself. The poor thing can't even move. Hee hee."
The K-9 let go of my shirt, revealing holes left behind from her claws.
K - "Come on now. If you don't speak up, we might start doing things to you that you might not like."
Her voice changed from anger to fake pity.
I started to reach up in order to prod the holes in my shirt to get an assessment of the damage. Before I could, the bunny had picked up a stick and stopped my hand with it at the wrist.
B - "Ah-Ah-Ah! We didn't say you could move."
The chimera finally wandered over with her hands holding the back of her head.
C - "Look at that. We finally got a real weakling to play with."
K - "Yeah, but what kind are you, mister?"
The K-9 began to reach for my hood.
K - "I have a certain type that I…"
The moment she touched my hood, I grabbed her wrist. As little energy as I have in my current mental state, this reaction was completely automated by my desire to hide my identity over such a long period of time.
K - "OW! Let go!"
I loosened my grip and she pulled away. She shook her wrist a few times before the chimera girl stomped down on my stomach.
C - "You getting weak on us?"
She asked her friend.
K - "His grip is strong. Don't let him grab you."
Her sentence was followed by a fist to the side of my face.
K - "Prick."
B - "Oh you poor thing. Let me make you feel better."
The bunny pushed her way to the front and caressed my right cheek with her hand. She dragged her hand down the side of my chin and neck until she reached my shirt.
Curiously, the other two watched on quietly with a smile. If this was happening at any time before I left Babur behind, I would have been gone at the first sign of trouble. Right now though. I'll be lucky if I can stand. I just feel so sapped.
K - "Look! He's so moved by your touch that he's about to cry. Go ahead, show him how much you care."
The bunny traced a line down to the bottom of my shirt. She lifted it up and slid her arms underneath. Her hands were warm and soft. Though, I knew something was amiss. These were obviously delinquents.
She reached my chest and slid her hands around my sides until her hands were on my back, just below my neck. Her head was now laying against my lower rib cage, her one standing ear almost tickling my nose.
She looked up at me and had a tender look on her face, almost as if she never wanted to let go.
K - "Do it."
Her mouth curled into an evil grin. At the same time, her fingers tipped forward until her tiny claws pierced my skin. My head reared back into the cliffside wall I was pinned against. She dragged her claws down my back until she got near my pants and clawed her way around my waist.
B - "Hahaha! Oh gods, this color! This is what I live for."
The others snickered at my reaction to the surprise. The bunny proudly brought her hand to her tongue to taste my blood.
I almost smirked at a few thoughts. The wounds on my back were already healed. If they only knew whom they were fucking with.
B - "S-smiling? Your smiling?"
Oh shit. Happy thoughts gone.
B - "You like this, don't you?"
The way she smiled and how wide her uncovered eye was, gave me the impression she was a legitimate psychopath.
B - "Darling! I can do this all day long!"
The excitement in her voice was scarier than anything I've experienced in Eyse by far.
K - "Uh oh. She's going wack-a-doo again."
C - "Let's let her do her thing a little longer."
The bunny started to reach up my shirt again. I found some energy and started to move my arms with the intention to grab her and stop her.
*crash* *bam*
My arms were simultaneously foiled with strong beast-woman legs. The K-9 stomped on my right while the chimera stomped on my left. The bones in my arms had been crushed, as evident by the indents where my arms are embedded in the wall behind me.
The bunny took her time reaching the top of my chest, feeling every indent and muscle. She even stopped to twirl my nipples for a moment. Her fingertips stopped just below my collarbone. Once again, she had that deceptively tender face.
B - "This time, I'll go slow and let you enjoy it more."
I managed to only get out two words. I wanted to tell her that, this time, I'm ready and it won't bother me.
K - "He CAN talk. Bastard! Why didn't you answer me before?"
The K-9 wound up to punch me.
B - "BACK OFF, BITCH! He's mine right now. If you dull his senses, I'll cut you open."
The punch was stopped mid-throw at the protest of the thrower.
K - "Then hurry up. I want a piece of him, too. And if you kill him, I'll need someone else to be my punching bag. You get me?"
B - "Loud."
She pierced me with a single claw.
B - "And."
Yet another pierced my skin.
B - "Clear."
The other eight entered at once.
She began to pull down ever so slowly. Her claws cut like a sharpened kitchen knife. My flesh had no resistance to them. True to her word, she moved at less than half the speed she did on my back. Blood trails began to soak through my shirt.
Her expression showed a bit of annoyance. She quickly pulled down a full two inches.
B - "You've lost it. Haven't you?"
She pulled away from me without further damaging my skin.
C - "Done already?"
B - "He's boring now. His face just looks like someone who is already dead before he reaches the finish line."
My arms were released.
K - "Fine by ME! RAH!"
The K-9 kicked my head and knocked me over to my left side.
I was beaten for a while longer. My pants were pulled down and they attempted to poke fun at my unaroused junk. A lack of reactions quickly disinterested them.
As they wandered off, a warning was given to me.
K - "Be careful out there. I hear a Nightmare is due to show up soon. If we see you again, we might have to feed you to it. Ha ha ha ha."
The other two laughed with her.
"Night… mare?"