The time came that we were to come out of the hut. Babur was taken to a spot above the arena. The arena itself was a massive dug-out hole about twelve feet down with wooden beams covering every inch of the perimeter. Two beast-men took Babur's arms with one hand each and held knives only inches away from her midsection. They looked satisfied with their roles.
I strolled on over to them.
"Hey! Aren't you supposed to be wearing the ceremonial clothing?"
One of the guards mentioned.
"I am."
I pulled down my pants just far enough to show off my staw thong strap.
"But that's..."
"No one said I couldn't wear my old clothes over it. I was only told to wear it. Also, I don't plan on going down today. If you so much as scratch her, I'll come back and cut you twice as deep, twice as long and in twice the locations."
I got close to Babur so I could whisper.
"You look good in that ceremonial clothing."
She blushed and looked away from me. I felt a swift kick to the stomach.
"Stop loafing and get this over with."
I chuckled and stepped back until the ground disappeared. I did a backflip and landed on my feet inside the arena.
"Hey! Get out of the arena! Where is the escapee?"
A young beast-man, similar looking to the head elder but much younger and taller, stepped to the front of the elder's platform that hung over the edge of the arena.
"This person before you is the escapee."
The crowd calmed down as he spoke. Behind him, the head elder seemed displeased while starting at the younger version of himself.
"Escapee. What has happened to your ceremonial clothing?"
I pulled up my shirt with all the fingers of my left hand except one, revealing my straw thong once more. Whether he got the message or not, he did not react. He was about to speak toward me again before he was interrupted. The elders spoke among themselves for a moment.
Once more, the younger beast spoke.
"It has been discussed, as long as the escapee is wearing the ceremonial clothing, it does not matter what he wears over it. The trial shall commence. When the village has exhausted all of the willing participants, or one or both participants are dead, the trial shall end. Commence."
The moment he said that a beast-man came down from the opposite side. He rushed at me. I kept my hands in my pockets and sidestepped his attacks with ease. The trial is mostly endurance and I have plenty of it.
The beast-man taking claw swipes at me was never close enough to even make me worry. Another beast-man jumped in and started swinging a knife around. Once more, this guy was probably just a farmer or some such. He was not experienced in combat.
The real fighters are probably waiting for me to get tired. Should I feign fatigue to get them down sooner? Should I drag this out as long as I can in top form to intimidate them?
I'll stay in top form for now. See how it goes.
I was up against three at a time at most during the last few hours. Not once was I struck. I never showed any signs of fatigue. How long can this trial go? Will it be on until no one is willing to come down? Maybe I should start feigning fatigue.
I was currently in the arena with a single beast-woman. She had a spear and she was decent with it. Not good enough to hit me though. She put on a show for a strong attack. I let her get closer than usual and hopped back a few times to give us some breathing room while taking one hand out of my pocket. Just as I had hoped, two strong-looking beast-men hopped down behind her. When she saw who they were, she decided she was done.
I heard whispering above and behind me. These guys must be a big deal. The populace was bustling with rumors.
I heard this, or I heard that. They will see for themselves just how strong these guys are... or aren't.
One went for my legs while the other went for my torso. They came at me without weapons from opposite sides. I hopped on the back of the one that went for my feet. Before I could push off of him, a few sharps spines came up through my foot. I pushed away as fast as possible and landed without much trouble.
The first blood is drawn, these guys were in it to win it. I had to start busting out some aerial moves if I wanted to avoid them. I pulled both hands out and cracked my knuckles.
Twenty minutes had passed fighting these bozos. They haven't landed a single spike since the first. One nicked my shirt, but that's inconsequential. I hoped over, around and through. I caught myself thinking about rolling on the ground for a dodge a few times. That would have been dangerous territory. I have to think only feet on the ground.
Finally, I got a break. The morons came at me from the front and back at the same time. Not being able to see where the other was jumping, they both went for my midsection. I dodged to one side and grabbed their wrists, bringing them together in a spectacular headbutt. I hopped back in case they got up fast. But, no. They were down for the count.
"Careful down there... Remember, a death is the end of this trial."
The young beast proclaimed.
"So you have no faith in the strength and durability of your own people? Sounds like you would make a pretty shitty leader."
His face was all I needed to see to know he REALLY didn't like that comment. I could only guess that he is next in line for the head elder. The way he hangs onto the current one, he seems to be observing and watching for future reference.