V2Ch164 New Guide

I only managed to walk five feet before Vintine called out.

"Wait. I know what I can do for you."

I held onto my backpack straps as I turned in place.

"I'll keep your secret."

"Heh, I have quite a few at this point."

"I know humans are supposed to be extinct. I won't tell anyone."

She didn't let on that she knew about my human condition before now. She obviously isn't stupid.

"Thanks. I'd appreciate it."

She waved. I gave a smile and moved on. She stayed behind with the fire. I really hope she can do better. She isn't bad. She was just a little lost.

As I traveled through the new forest, the more time went on the more drained I felt. I was again having problems with my own mind, dangling images of Babur behind my eyes. I'm pretty sure I'm past the border of the Beast Lands at this point. I should be happy that I'm that much closer.

I saw a playful couple traveling on the path up ahead. Passing glances at each other. Holding hands. Sharing a quick kiss and laughing. Again, painful reminders that I was now a solo traveler. I didn't think I could feel more depressed than I already was.

I spent so much time with her. In my heart, I felt like it was her fault. She could have stayed with me. Her family was sub-par. Parents that don't even remember her favorite foods? A sibling that would rather argue with her husband than enjoy time with her long-lost sister? Why would she pick these things over me?

At the same time, my mind can rationalize her situation much better.

She hadn't seen her family in so long, who wouldn't want to try to make up for lost time? Renew the relationships she once had? Maybe make the relationships better than before. Yeah, I was basically married to two women at the same time at one point in time, but that doesn't mean that everyone is willing to put up with a relationship like that. It was the same way for people on Earth. Was I really just expecting her to accept it? Maybe she wanted me to stay to see if I would choose her over Sophie? To see if I loved her... more?

Maybe my expectations were just too selfish for me to see.

Either way, I suppose these feelings are my fault for falling for someone when I already had a wife to go back to.

I found a pair of large rocks. One small enough to sit on and the other large enough and close enough to lean against. The feelings in my heart were overwhelming the rationality in my head. I had to get my mind straight.

I sat on the smaller rock and leaned my forehead against the larger rock. To top it off, the sky started to drizzle.

I leaned my head back, squinting my eyes.

"I've got nothing left..."

I muttered quietly.

The light rain continued to fall.

I open my eyes wide. The next thing the nearby couple hears is the crushing of a massive boulder.

I had smashed my head into the larger rock, breaking it apart.

"I never had nothing in this world. I've had her since the beginning. I still have Sophie."

I hopped up and started a casual jog south.

(Feels good music. Reader's pick. :P)

I passed by the couple who seemed horrified after looking at my face. It was probably covered in blood.

I had to think along the lines of getting closer to Sophie. I needed something to keep me going. That was it. I was dreading the thoughts of getting further from Babur. I need to welcome the thoughts of getting closer to Sophie.

I want to see her.

I NEED to see her.

She is my only guiding light right now. If she were gone... I'd be lost.

I began to move faster as I thought of Sophie's smile. Her laugh. The touch of her hands. The warmth of her hugs. The gleam in her eyes. I was desperate for everything about her.

I followed a path that mostly led south. I found signs that indicated I was headed toward the main dark elf port city, Tian Ret. It's been almost a year since I started my journey on the northern shore. I've come such a long way.

I came across a split in the path. I found the sign that pointed toward Tian Ret. It was the obvious choice.


My head started pounding. I felt like it was about to pop. It couldn't be that that rock smash I did earlier was coming back to bite me, was it?

An image flashed in my head. There was something familiar about it. Looking around, I found what the image resembled. The split path was a four-way split, but there was a broken sign down a darker unkempt path. It didn't look like something that anyone has been down for hundreds of years. The image in my head was of this path.

I lost interest because it wasn't the direction I wanted. I started down the path toward Tian Ret. Once again, my head felt like it was going to explode.

"Ahg! What is this?"

'Follow it. It seems to be a guide of some kind.'

Rage's voice overshadowed the pain.

"A guide? Does this guide know where Sophie is?"

'I don't know. It doesn't seem malicious. It just wants you to follow the images.'

"Not malicious? Can you feel these headaches? It fuckin sucks."

'If you follow, they will go away.'

"Freaking a. Fine."

I moved back toward the dark path. It was filled with weeds taller than myself. I grimaced at the path ahead. I let out a sigh and pushed through The headache cleared up instantly. Rage was right. I felt fine now. I wonder where this takes me.

I pushed through a multitude of weeds. My clothes got shredded by thorns and covered in barbed seeds. I tried to go to the side of the path and follow it from the relatively weedless areas, but the headaches would return. I had to stay on the path. It was like I was being tortured on purpose.

"Where did this "guide" come from, Rage?"

'I don't know. It seems like it was embedded in your unconscious mind. It was as if someone knew you were going to pass by this place and gave you directions once you found the first location toward the goal.'

"I wish I knew what this is for."

'Just push through. For someone with a body like yours, it is a trivial matter. Get to the destination and we should be able to continue the trek toward Tian Ret.'


I reluctantly agreed.