V2Ch168 New Boar

I went back toward the Inn I was told about. I managed to find a shop with a nice backpack. It had a hidden coin pouch, too. I started buying a few odds and ends. A new tent, sleeping bags, spices and cookware. When I got to the inn, I was ready for any kind of travel.

I got set up with a room at the inn. I went upstairs to check it out. It had two beds. It suddenly felt lonely and it felt so empty. The things I bought... I didn't need food. I didn't need two sleeping bags. I didn't need a 2 person tent. I let my bag hit the floor and closed the door behind me. I didn't need to sleep right now, either.

I figured I'd look for the ship. Maybe some good news could cheer me up. It wasn't hard to find. It was a decent-sized sailing boat. It was worn but not empty. Ships crew were lounging or cleaning. The ship was called the "Never Away."

"Never Away! That's what she's called. Cause if you sail on this here boat, You are never far away from yer destination!"

A hand was placed on my right shoulder. The voice was an older male dark elf. He looked a bit older than the dark elf in the curio shop.

"Missing Star?"

"Eh?! That's a bit outta my league, I'm afraid. Haven't found 'er yet."

"Well, that's where I need to go. Do you know someone who knows the way? If you have a guide, can you get us there?"

"Well... I spose... But, I don't know of any guide."

"I see. Sorry to bother you."

'You wouldn't happen to know anything, would you Rage?'

'Sorry, I don't. In my younger days, I did travel to Cumios and Grampus on one occasion, but I was very susceptible to sea sickness. I spent most of the trip trying to eat something so that I didn't starve before tossing it up again. The guide was an elven elder that has long since passed. I don't know anyone who can navigate back to Missing Star in this age.'

I was nearly off of the dock when that hooded woman passed by me again. We successfully avoided each other this time. She seemed a bit rude, nonetheless.

My last resort to keep my mind off of things is to check out the guilds. Maybe I can find one that has a few easy tasks to do. The local Trackers Guild was busy. I didn't feel like dealing with a ton of people right now. Alternatively, the Adventurers Guild was nearly baren.

"Why not."

I mumbled. The doors opened easily. A grumpy male dark elf was behind the counter.

"What, you wanna insult the guild, too?"

"Actually, I was hoping you had some tasks for me. Though, I haven't signed up for the guild yet."

He sat up.

"Fine. Here, fill this out."

He didn't sound upset, but he wasn't happy either. More like he was already annoyed with doing a little work. I filled out the form and he checked it.

"Okay. Here."

He handed me an ID for the Adventurers Guild. I was rank F of course. That didn't bother me. I took a look at the tasks. I picked out a few. Two hunts and two gatherings. I needed a boar, a bottle of dire caterpillars, a preen flower and a haunting herb.

"Can I take on these tasks?"

I heard the door open behind me.

"Now you can. We don't have a proper trainer to check your skills. This guy that just showed up here will observe you on these tasks. You hear that, Kolpe?"

"Yeah, yeah. Let me get some of my shit."

This dark elf didn't have much enthusiasm either. It didn't matter though. I just needed a distraction. He wasn't gone long. I followed him out of the building and toward the eastern jungle. The dark elf I was following was young but rugged. He was complacent but I felt that he knew how to handle himself in a dangerous situation. Possibly the product of growing up as the only provider for himself. Not that I knew that for sure.

He stopped at the entrance to the jungle and leaned up against a wooden fence.

"Get your tasks done and come back. Depending on your condition when you come back, I will assess your rank. If... you come back. I'll only wait here until it gets dark. Have fun."

Some help he is. I'm not familiar with this area. I suppose as a retired tracker, it shouldn't be hard to find the boar or the dire caterpillar.

'I can help with the flower and the herb. I can't tell you specifics but I can tell you the kind of habitat that they grow in.'

Once more, Rage offered his invaluable help.


Mother spoke up.

'The dire caterpillars thrive on the haunting herb. If you find one, you should be able to find the other.'

"Heh. Dunno what I would do without either of you. Thanks."


'You're welcome.'

"Why are you talking to yourself? Just get to it. Weirdo."

The adventurer admonished me.


That seemed to be my attitude recently. Whatever this. Whatever that...


I set off for my objectives. It only took a few hours to get three of my tasks done. The final one was the boar. I needed the whole thing. I had to capture it alive. I found tracks at what looked like a feeding ground. I followed them to what looked like a den, but it was empty.

I heard a bush rustle nearby. I got quiet and took a long way around. I could see it. The boar was a bit larger than I was expecting. It had huge tusks too. I wondered if this should have been an E rank task.

I snuck up behind it. I thought I was quiet enough but it noticed me somehow. It ran away and it was fast. It knew the area well and disappeared with ease. I was only able to follow it for 50 or 60 feet. I lost sight and sound of the thing. Go figure.

I stopped at a tree. There were unusual flowers at its base. I bent down to get a better look. They had a gorgeous royal blue color.


A thundering squeal and stomping could be heard from the boar. It was behind me. I turned too late. It gashed me in the stomach with its right tusk. A wound that could kill any mortal.


The boar took a stance about 30 feet away. It started to paw the dirt before a charge. It loosed itself from restraint and began its run at me.



The boar's head was on the ground and the body flipped forward, landing right in front of me. I had to look up to see who was in front of me as my hood was blocking my view. It was the hooded woman I had seen a few times before.

She was good with a...


That sword....

"I'm sorry. I got here too late. I can't save you from a wound like that."