"S... Sophie?"
I could tell that I caught her off guard. It took all my strength to hold back my tears of joy.
"Who are you? How do you know my name?"
I stood up.
"Stop! Your wounds. You can't have much time in this world."
"Sophie. It's me..."
I practically lunged at her. She raised Gleamour and let me impale myself on it. I wrapped my arms around her. She couldn't get away. I didn't care that the stupid sword went through me.
I had my Sophie back.
I found her.
She's here.
She's alive!
"Get off me! You... My sword..."
She kicked me away. I landed on my butt. That was fine. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I got onto my hands and knees. They just started streaming down my face. I let them hit the jungle floor. Obvious divots were beginning to form in the dirt where my tears were disintegrating the soil.
"Who are you? You were already near death from that wound. When you came at me, I had to defend myself. Why did you do that?"
"I'm sor-sorry. I couldn't h-help myself. It's really y-you."
My sobs continued to interrupt my speech.
"Sophie, It's me."
I fell to my side and pulled my hood back.
Her eyes instantly recognized something. Either my face, or maybe the hair. Maybe it was just the bloody tears. Who knows. We finally found each other.
"Lake? Lake? LAKE? Oh... LAKE!"
She nearly headbutted me in the stomach. She remembered to stay away from my tears. Her arms wrapped around my body so tightly. She was much stronger than before. Taller too. I never would have guessed that she was the hooded woman in town. I was still looking for my little Sophie. I guess a little growth over nearly 60 years is expected.
I pushed back her hood. Her hair was still long and black. She matured some. She was even more beautiful than before. I couldn't believe just how much she changed. Her tears continued to flood her face. I would feel a lull in mine but then another sob of hers would remind me she was there and they would start all over again.
It took us a good ten minutes to gather ourselves and stop the sobbing match. I was able to wipe my face off with a rag and finally...
After almost a year of travel.
After 59 years of being considered missing.
Finally... I got to feel her lips on mine again.
The sweetest kiss I've ever tasted on the planet. One that I could never forget throughout the rest of my eternity.
I felt home.
I held her close to me. I don't normally like to get other people's clothes all bloody, this time was an exception. I didn't care. I just wanted to hold her. I didn't want to let go. Almost as if she would fade away if I did.
It had to end sometime though. I heard her stomach grumble. We both giggled a little.
"Hungry? Wanna go get dinner?"
I asked.
"Yeah. I'd like that."
She smiled when she said it. Her smile is so pretty…
I stood up and held out a hand. She seemed to hesitate a little.
She pointed at my stomach. The sword. I forgot. I yanked it out and clapped my hands on the handle. It shrank down and I started to pocket it. I stopped before it could get close to my pants. I hadn't used it in so many years. It's probably a part of her now. I don't need it.
I held it out to her.
"No, it's yours. I'm just happy…"
She tried to push it back toward me.
"Nah. It's not mine anymore. I've lost touch with it. I'm sure the two of you have seen a lot together. I have no need for it."
She hesitantly took gleamour back and stood up to hug me again.
Sophie led me on a straight path back toward Tian Ret. We started to talk a little about where we've been and the people we've met.
We were maybe an hour away when a sudden blast of water split us up. I dodged to my right, thinking she would be alright.
My mind suddenly realized, she isn't Babur.
Sophie is not a supreme beast.
My eyes frantically sought her out. It wasn't a difficult find, she was standing a bit further to my left. She dodged the attack just fine. She was concentrating ahead where the blast came from.
It donned on me. She had to get so much stronger in order to survive. I felt ashamed that she was forced into such a situation without me. At the same time, she became someone that could take care of herself.
I'm not needed to take care of her. Instead of me protecting her, we can solve our problems together.
Just like a real husband and wife.
"Lake. What was that?"
She asked. Something seemingly came out of nowhere. Spinning blades sliced a few tree trunks in half before landing in my right forearm. The blades quickly dispersed in a swirl of air. The damage would have been devastating to anyone else. I shrugged it off.
"I think it's the body thief again. According to Rage, he is the human who was banished long ago. He comes back through some power that lets him steal bodies. I don't know why or how but, he can use magic spells, too. Be careful. Watch your surroundings. He can use the banishment spell. Don't let your guard down."
*Woosh Woosh*
Sophie and I dodged two more water blasts.
"If he is the human from long ago, is he immortal like you? Can he be stopped?"
"He only controls the body. It doesn't seem to have any special powers beyond magic. If we can disable him, maybe we can get some answers from him."
A dark elf came running at us. His face was contorted into a look of horrid amusement. Sophie readied her sword.
Just as he came close enough to start swinging, he jumped up and into the trees. The sight of him was almost instantly lost.
"This is a great body. It's strong. Don't ya think?"
His voice echoed all around us.
"Get ready to move. He could be charging up a spell."
Sophie nodded.
"Why do you keep coming after me?"
I yelled out.
"Why do you want to get rid of me? What purpose will that serve?"
Sophie and I barely dodged a fireball that came from a blind spot.
Another fireball for each of us.
We were both ready for that one.
"Why? I only need one reason to get rid of ya. It's the master's orders. What he says, goes. If ya want to hear anything more than that, I might be convinced to say a few more words if…"
Some leaves rustled and the dark elf fell out of a nearby tree. He landed at an awkward angle and held his pose as such.
"If ya beat me in a one-on-one. How's that sound?"
"Easy. Done it before, I'll do it again."
"Not the user. Herrrr."
His voice went deep. His neck twitched. His fingers gyrated unnaturally.
"I'll do it."
Sophie cut me off. She was confident. She saw how he moved and I could tell that she was ready to take him on. As much as I wanted to say no, it was her choice. She knows her body better than I do. Especially after almost 60 years apart.
It was time to trust her.