Chapter 5

Veronica's POV

“ I am not wearing that...that thing! ” I yell at Daniel for even insinuating that I wear such a trashy top and skirt.

“ you should, it'll make you seem less stiff and proper and more young and carefree. You know, eighteen, and approachable. ” he tells me like I'm a dumb little kid.

“ I am seventeen not eighteen. ” I tell him with annoyance lacing my tone.

“ oh... So I'm older than you? ” he asks sounding confused.

Help me God or I might just hit him!

“ Daniel I will simply ignore your stupidity and repeat myself one more time. I. Am. Not. Wearing. That trash. ” I tell him slowly.

“ it's not trash, it's a very nice top and skirt that'll play out your attributes nicely. ” he says trying to reason with me.

When he sees the glare directed at him, he only groans and drags me to the front of my dressing mirror.

He pulls my back against his chest and tells me to look into the mirror. When I complain and try to pull away, he only shushes me and pulls me even closer. “ just imagine, ” he whispers with that husky voice which has played havoc to my stomach these past days. “ you looking hot, sexy in this while you scream my name. ”

“ what? ” I ask confused.

Isn't this supposed to be about getting close to Jonas?

“ but... ” I ask nearly turning around, but instead I continue facing forward when I feel his hand on my waist and his other hand slightly brush my neck as it tilts my chin to face the mirror once more.

“ shsh... ” he whispers and finally let's go of my chin only to slide his hand down my arms and for some reason, I can't seem to breathe. “ Jonas is going to notice you, because he won't want some uptight brat, he'll want you, the new you, ” he says holding up the clothes against me. “ looking sexy as hell, especially when he sees that another guy wants you. ” he says pulling away from me.

I do my best to hide the fact that I had been greatly affected by his hands on me and ask a question which isn't in need of an answer. “ so we make him jealous? ”

“ we make him jealous. ” he confirms.

One thing still seems to be a bit confusing to me. “ and who is going to be this other guy? ”

“ I am. ” he replies looking into my eyes to see my reaction.

This time I smirk at him. “ you could have just said you wanted me Danny, there's really no need to play games...oh! That's right, there is. Cause I'm clearly not interested. ” I tell him smugly.

He smirks right back and leans against my bedpost. “ bet I could get you interested. ” he tells me just when the door to my room bursts open to reveal Lilly looking goggle eyed and barbie like with her blond hair, pink lips and clothes.

“ oh my God! My poor eyes. ” she says dramatically.

I and Daniel roll our eyes at the same time.

“ stop being annoying Lil nothing happened and you know it. ” I tell her heading for my closet to change into sleepover clothes.

“ why are you here? ” I hear Daniel asking Lilly as I search for my clothes.

“ sleepover ” she replies “ move over ”

“ no. ” Daniel says and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

A loud sound of something dropping and Daniel howling in pain, leads me to conclude that Lil probably inflicted some sort of pain on him.

“ why'd you push me off?! ” Daniel asks as I come out of my closet.

“ one, I asked you to get off. Two, you were being a pervert. ” Lilly replies from my bed where she lay chewing gum and watching some thriller on my TV which hung on the wall, beside my mirror.

Daniel leans against the cream coloured wall beside my bed and smirks as usual. “ I bet you like me being... ” but he trails off when he hears me clear my throat.

I hope he puts an end to his dirty thoughts but my plan only back fires when instead his hot gaze trails over my body, suddenly leaving me hot and bothered.

“ stop eye raping her you pervert! ” Lilly yells at Daniel.

At that moment his phone goes off with that annoying pinging sound it makes whenever there's a new message.

“ as much as I'd like to stay here and fulfill both of your wildest dreams... ” he says typing away. “ I've got another appointment, so sorry love. ” he grins as he tries to put away his phone but I quickly grab it and tsk in disappointment when I see that his booty call as expected is Allison.

“ do you ever fuck girls that have at least half of a brain cell? ” I ask raising an eyebrow.

He collects his phone, grins even more and says “ like you? Sure, totally, if you're offering. ” he grabs me and pulls me against his chest as he's been fond of doing throughout this week.

“ you wish. ” I tell him trying to push him away.

But he doesn't move an inch, instead he leans in to kiss me at the side of my lips before finally pulling away and climbing out the window.

I ignore the way the side of my lips tingle and force myself to grin. “ tell your booty call I said hi. ”

“ for some reason I think that would scare her. ” he replies as he climbs down the vines by my window “ remember to wear them tomorrow. ”

“ fine. bye Romeo! ” I yell as he waves at me from his car as had become our ritual. I smile and turn back only to see Lilly looking kind of worried.

“ what's wrong? ” I ask.

She fakes a smile and says nothing. So I drop it and look forward to seeing Daniel tomorrow.