Chapter 10

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Veronica's POV

“ I want you to hang out with us. ” Daniel says holding me as he leans against his car.

I swear he's always finding a reason to hold me and when I try pulling away, he pulls me right back. These last two weeks, I've found it easier to just give in. “ your friends don't like me very much. I think they'll be scared if I did. ”

He laughs that deep throaty laugh that leaves my innards jumping nervously but yet puts a smile on my face. “ they wouldn't be so scared if you loosened up a bit. ” he tells me and I am about ninety nine percent sure, he's smiling.

“ I'm trying ” I whine burying my face in his chest. “ let's just go somewhere else and plan how to get team Jonica together. ” I tell him looking up into his eyes, trying my hardest to act cutesy. But I should have known not to.