Chapter Forty One

I always had the tiniest inclination that the moon goddess hated me.

I just didn’t realize the extent of that hatred.

The day she took my moon chosen mate from me, was the worst day of my life. I was sure I thought I’d be next, I wanted to be next.

I had for so many years.

There was nothing on this earth that could prepare you for such a devastating feeling, it crippled me, stripped me completely of my youth. Like a sling shot I was ripped from all that I knew, grieving for someone I hadn’t even met, and yet feeling their loss as if I’d known them my whole life.

I wouldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and just the thought that I’d have to keep on breathing filled me with so much dread and despair. At that time, I couldn’t imagine an after, in anything it pissed me off to no end that people were still going on happily with their lives while mine felt like it just ended.