Broken clues

While Chelsea was now settling down, someone came up to the house requesting help but my dad opened the door reluctantly and Dave quickly came and locked the door as he stepped outside and his fist quickly collided into the mans side causing him to fall immediately to the floor he quickly opened the door.

"Guys let's go quickly before the rest of them start coming I thought they said it was safe here for a bit longer." Dave said as he looked at Olivia that was her name.

"I-I thought so too let's get you out of here"

"oh my gosh le-let's go" Cynthia said

"let me get Chloe" I stated

"now where are we going again?" Dad questioned

"somewhere safer" Dave replied

As we all left the house, we immediately drove off back onto the main road however there was loads of traffic.

"where to next how much longer are we going to be running?" Cynthia asked

"how many more persons are there?" Dad immediately questioned