
Chapter 7 - Little Brother's tale

It was almost 3:30 when I got to the Detention Centre.As I sat down on a chair I saw Josh coming into the room accompanied by two cops still wearing handcuffs. He seemed pale, sad and somewhat clueless. We were given half hour to speak. I picked up the telephone. He did the same.

"I brought some clothes for you."

I broke the ice.


He murmured. Just barely sounded.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"What's there to talk? Police are pretty convinced that I killed my sister. I don't even know how but they found my fingerprints on murder weapon."

Information I didn't know: Josh's fingerprints on the statue.

"Well that is new."

I said. Josh suddenly got upset and raised his voice

"GO away man…You are not really here to listen to me.You ar..."

"Then what do you think I am here for?"I cut him off.

"Do you think I came here just to deliever your clothes?"I added.

I saw a surprise look on his face. Then he went back to his sullen mood.

"Now JOSH. Tell me everthing you remember from last night. Everything.Don't leave anything out."

After an awkward pause, he said

"OK....." Then he continued.

"I wasn't at the concert last night.Last night I was at the gallery.Someone bought my painting. So me and my buddies were celebrating."

"By celebrating....you mean.......getting high..?"I low-voiced around 'high'.

To my surprise, he said

"NO. No man. Last night was real deal. I wasn't using any drugs I swear. However...."

He studied my face for a second there, and resumed.

"I was drinking....a lot."

"Were you....drunk?"

"No!!" He shouted again.

"I guess.Look. I don't know if I was drunk or not but I was able to get home by myself last night. So at least I think I hadn't lost my senses then. I still had fully-control over my body."

True. But I didn't say it out loud.

"Anyway I got home around like 12:45. Last night was everything for me. I had been waiting for that. Wating for someone to appreciate my work. And when someone finally did, I decided that I wouldn't indulge myself into that stuff again. I would get on a different path, a good one and get serious about my future.”

He paused for some air and continued.

So I pulled out my drawer, took everthing out..."

"Sorry I'm not following Josh. When you said 'indulge in' and 'took everthing out', did you mean your......weed? "

Once again he shouted impatiently.

"YESSSS. What else would I be talking about? Geez man. Get a clue. I thought you were a lawyer."

He gave me a what-a-dummy-sigh and continued.

"I took everything out.Weeds, pills, doses, pot and bongs to throw them away. For good.Then I heard the door. It was my sister and her manager. They were both fine and stable. But Daisy seemed a little bit drunk"(Daisy wasn't actually drunk.It's just that she is weak with alchol.She probably had two drinks and that would be her limit.) I asked Devvy if we could talk and she said yes. She told Daisy to wait in the living room then we went into her room.”

“I told her that I sold a painting. She said congratulation but somehow it didn't feel sincere. Maybe that's because I didn't go to her concert.Then I asked her for money."

"You DID what?" This time it was me who shouted.

"You just begged her for money last week and you asked again?"

I guess my voice must have sounded like scolding.

"Shhhhh...Quiet down dude. Everyone is gonna hear us."

[Ohhh… Now you're worried about that.]

Then he explained.

"That was different.That was weed money. Last night I was asking her for money to...."

He paused.

"To what?"

I urged.

"To buy my own studio."

I was shocked to hear that. Where did that come from? Just because he sold a painting?

"That was a lot.Josh.The money you asked for."

"I know.But I can feel it that I am heading straight this time.I can feel that I will make it soon."

He paused again then continued.

"But she didn't believe me.She said it was just a painting.She couldn't invest in a painter who sold just ONE painting after 3 years. She said that she couldn't take that risk. That's like insulting my art .Like she was saying I don't believe in you straight to my face."

Yeah.Buddy. I wouldn't have bought that either.And I think she was saying exactly what you think she was saying.

That person who bought your painting could be mentally-disturbed or a baby cried over your painting so the parents had to buy it.Or it could be a blind person or someone with awfully bad taste in art.

Sorry that was mean.But I'm not a fan of this kid.I held in the urge to say those stuff to him. After all, the kid is inthere for allegedly killing his sister. I can't say those words.That would be ruthless.Or would it?

Trying to hide my real opinions of him, I said


"So we fought.Well more like argued. I don't exactly remember what we said to each other.She said some harsh stuff and I talked back at her.I might have said something harsh too. Our word-fight ended up me yelling 'Goddd. I wish you were never my sister.' "

You are one to say that DUDE.You got some nerves.I thought to myself.

"Then I went to bed. I thought of smoking weed before I sleep.But I was so wasted that I felt asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow."

He continued.

"That was it.That's all I remember and I'm pretty sure that's what happened.I swear I didn't even see her award let alone hold it in my hands. And I have no idea how that gold star-thingy ended up in my pocket...."

"Wait wait what?" He was saying that casually but I realized what that could have led to.

"They found the GOLD STAR in your pocket? The one that was taken from the statue-award.?"


Oh boy.This is gonna be tough.Now he was not only framed for a murder but also given a MOTIVE.

"Why? Is that important?"

[NO.It is not.It is just your go-to-jail card.]

I sighed and said

"Nothing.It's nothing.That's all you remember, Josh?"

I lied just to make him feel at ease for now.

"Yeah...pretty much...yes."

"One more thing, did your sister use her make-up stand or throw something out of the window while you two were....well...let's call it arguing?"

"No.I don't think so.She was taking off her jewelery but she didn't go anywhere near her make-up table. And as for the window, she opened it the second we got in but she didn't throw anything out."

"And you are sure you remember that or you are not being delusional?"

"NO! I remember all of it crystal clear. The only thing I don't recall is what we were screaming at each other."

"OK.And where was Daisy the whole time?"

"She was sitting on the couch in the living room."

"And Josh...Did you by chance....throw up last night?"

"NOOO! I am not new to alochol.I told you I was not that drunk last night."

So the vomit was Daisy's.Ewww.Gross…. Daisy.

"All right.Looks like our time is up. Get some sleep. And change into clothes I got for you.I gotta go. See you tomorrow."

I stood up from my chair. He looked quite surprised and asked

"You are coming to my trial tomorrow?"

"Yeah I am representing you."

"Cool......"He seemed cheered up then he screamed out.
