"So you heard their conversation, huh?"
"Yes.I mean not all singl words but enough to make out what they were arguing about."
"Really? Can you tell me what it is Ms.Blossom?"
" know.....the usual stuff. Josh was asking money from her again.But this time he was asking for quite a largerer amount than he normally did.I mean really BIG.I think I heard he was asking for that money to open his own studio or something"
"Oh really.He shouldn't have dont that.I mean he is not that kind of artist whose works would just take off."
"EXACTLY! I mean how dare he? He is barely an artist.He hasn't sold a painting in three years and when he finally did sell one, he got over-confident and cocky in his crappy skills and asked for money to open a studio? I gotta say, as for someone who had been freeloading on his sister for years, he got a nerve to even ask that.That ungrateful son of a b-b-.....biscuit. "