

Sitting outside, the sun is beginning to set. While this doesn’t feel like a hangover, the effects of the ayahuasca have begun to wear off and I feel stuck in this awkward middle plane. I am still trying to put together just what it was I saw.

“What’s going on?” Matthew asked, taking a seat right next to me. “How was your first trip?”

“…well…it happened.”

“Yeah, it did. Truth be told, that sums up everyone’s initial reactions.”

“Sorry, I’m still trying to put everything together.”

“Don’t be sorry. Should have known better. You aren’t some degenerate like myself.”

“Oh, don’t call yourself that.”

“No, it’s true. I’ve had so many “trips” that the effects don’t even feel as strong as they used to.”

“Why have you had so many trips?”

“You know, I guess I have always just wanted to find out what the truth is. At all costs. I have always seen Psychedelics as a way to jet set the truth.”

“That jet set lifestyle… it could kill you know?”