

Looking out of my window I see a hummingbird attack a flower. Those birds are so cool. So small, but they eat so much. All they do is drink sugar all day long. But they need to or else they will suffer the consequences. I envy them. As long as they have flowers around they are good. Such a simple life.

It is my last day as a high school senior. I did not think it would be so anticlimactic. I did not think that I would having my last class in my bedroom. I thought that I would be able to have one last great day with all the girls. That is not the case. And now with Himari being gone, it is all a pipe dream.

I still can’t believe she isn’t here anymore. It has been a month, we all went to the funeral, but it still does not feel real. Like she is just playing with us and will be back. I wake up every morning with the hope that this is the case. And every morning I end up being disappointed by reality. Why does reality have to suck?