

“You okay?” Rashida asked. Standing here, I don’t know if saying that I am in”awe” is accurate or not, but I did not see this coming. When I thought of the Demons living underground I thought it would be more or less them slumming it. But the fact that they have a city down here is taking me aback. Not that it is Manhattan or anything like that. It is still, well, the sewers. But this is way better

than what I was expecting.

There is some lighting here, there are buildings and makeshift streets. It is another world down here. The Demons have done a decent job making the best of what must be a shitty (no pun intended) situation. No wonder they are so wild once they get up to surface.

“Richard? Richard?” Rashida called out.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m okay.”

“Are you sure?”


“Because you totally zoned out.”

“I was…”

“Gone. It was as though you weren’t even here. Very, very…weird.”

“Just taking it all in.”

“Taking what in?”