

“So…”Kyomi asked. “Why are you two here?”

“Kyomi!” Hina yelled. “Would you stop the bullshit and let us in?!?”

“How do I know that you are not just some bot?”

“What does he mean by bot?” I asked.

“Kyomi! Can you for once in your life stop acting crazy?”

“Crazy? You can this acting crazy? I call this being diligent.”

“Yeah, you are diligent at being a pain in my ass!”

I never grow tired of the schtick that Hina and Kyomi have. Being an only child

I never had the opportunity to have that kind of bond with someone. Hina

being the closest to it. So, when I can witness their back and forth, I somewhat

live vicariously through them. Odd, I know. But hey, it works.

“Do you know the password?” Kyomi asked.

“Yeah, it’s stop being a freeloader!”

“Freeloader? Last time I checked, I was here before you. Are you not the



Hina is backing up and staring at the door. I don’t want to believe that she is