

“So, Richard.” Lynn began. “What brings you back?”

I stand and look around, looking for anything to indicate that this is not real. But there is no use to that as sure enough, this is happening. I am here. It is once again Lynn and I inside of a white room.

My body must be barely clinging to life right now. It does not seem to be a good idea to have this happen to me repeatedly. But what am I going to do? I cannot help that I keep finding myself in positions like this one. I mean, I could do nothing, but I rather off myself at that point.

“Are you going to say something? Anything?”

“Why are you here?”

“Hmm. Maybe you should be asking yourself that?”

“If that is the case then tell me, why am I here?!?”

“You’re smart. Ever pontificated on the powers of your imagination? It is a power thing, isn’t it? You can create worlds with your mind. You also create animals and people too.”

“Why did I create you?”

“The question that you be asking is why did you create you?”