Act 12

Now she could understand the bizarre coloration of the surrounding flora, when only traveling in great speeds will the true beauty of the forest reveal itself. The colors and lighting blend to together proving that nature is an art that no one can outmatch. The wind produced a soft hum that even the tensest of men would feel calm and sleep to the natural melody. Lily relished every second of the moment and all could do was to hold on to Xavier and let the melody take her. When they arrived at the mansion it was already 6:30 pm and Lily took a little nap. Xavier slowly shook his body so he could wake Lily up. A few seconds later, she woke but still a little groggily. He asked if she was able to walk home, she nodded and she only took a little shut eye from the whole day of adventuring. Xavier knelt down and she jumped off still hold on his shadowy mane, she let go and Xavier began to morph back into his normal form. “I’ll admitted Xavier for a boring old blob you really are full of surprises.” she said. “You’re not bad yourself, shorty.” he said and gave a wink. “Oh, learning the modern tongue, aren’t we? she quipped. “I adapt fast and some of your books was constructed on the modern dialect so I have no choice.” he said shaking the excess dust. Lily giggled and told him that she was going to whisper something to him, Xavier sarcastically told her that they were the only once their but Lily still told him to kneel down. With a slightly annoyed sigh, he lowered his head on Lily’s level, he expected that she would just prank him and scream at him point blank in his ear but he eyes widen when Lily softly kissed him on the chick. Time paused as Lily showed her affection for him after she parted her lips from his chick, she noticed that Xavier was wide eyed and she had to tug on his horns to bring him back to reality. Xavier blinked a few times before he met Lily’s gaze. “What was that for?” he said. “It was to show you my gratitude for the amazing adventure, I haven’t felt more alive in years. Thank you, Xavier.” then she gave him a heartfelt hug. He could feel the warmness of Lily and at that moment he remembered her mother holding him in her arms and for the first time in centuries he let out a single tear.

Lily slowly push away and bid Xavier good night as she walked into the path out of the forest. Xavier realized something on that day that he would carry out through the rest of his life, he would be there for her and be her guardian in the shadows and he won’t let anything hurt her. While Lily was walking to her apartment, she was scrolling through the various pictures she took on phone. She took pictures of the ancient trees, the colorful plant-life and more. Her smile refreshed when she swiped into another picture, but only one made her smile reach from ear to ear. She took a selfie with the stone-filled hills and she notice on the background was Xavier doing the rabbit ears prank on her with an extended arm. “That sly black blob, I’ll get my revenge” she thought to herself. She was still looking at the picture when once again she bumped into someone. She quickly put her phone on her back pocket while she took a step back, Mat was once again unintentionally blocking her way. She felt a chill ran across her spine but she was able to hide it well, “Ugh! It’s you again, what the hell are you doing standing in the middle of the street at this hour?” she spat at him. “Oh! Lily so good to see you, I was going to ask you the same thing but minus the annoyance. But scratch that I just going to see what I found in the woods this morning.” he said excitedly with he grabbed in phone from his pocket. Lily expected it to be the photo of the Wendigo’s corpse and surely enough he flashed various images of the creatures mangled body. She pretended to be disgusted so she didn’t blow her cover and she pushed the phone aside as authentic as she could to make it more realistic. “I know right? Pretty grouse. This will definitely make our rating go through the roof but I need proof and the freaking corpse, dispersed into ashes in front of me.” he said while passing around. “Tragic” she said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

“Look, I had a long day and I need some shut eye so you talk to someone else about your fake monster sightings.” she said while she passed through him. “It’s not fake!!” every time I aired a show all I got ever got was insults and discrimination from my viewers saying that my documentaries were garbage and it was all staged but this time it’s freaking real and if can’t have its proof I’ll just have to find the thing that killed it and I wouldn’t let anyone stop me.” he said angrily while staring at the woods. Lily was startled by the sudden change of his tone and she started to feel panicked. “By the way, why were you in the woods at this hour.” he said menacingly. Lily froze in fear upon hearing the cold words of Mat, “I already told you this morning, I took a hike in the woods.” she said try desperately to hide her uneasiness. “See anything weird lately? I noticed that to always go to the woods in your spare time. It’s impossible to overlook something big like that” he said still with his menacing deminer. Lily simple walked away and sprinted when she was out of sight, when she arrived at her apartment, she quickly unlocked the door and closed it with a loud bang. She slumped on the floor in exhaustion, she never thought that Mat was that kind of determined. She heated herself some leftover frozen pizza from the fridge and changed into her sleeping attire after that she leaped into her bed and letting her sleepiness take over her. Morning came and Lily woke up before her alarm went off. She felt determined and was even able to forget the encounter with Mat last night. She prepared for the task at hand, she read the tome for specifics on the wood they were going to use in craving the wish into. She scrolled through the pages hoping to find some information. When she found the symbol of the totem, she immediately scanned the page through the page. After she was satisfied, she quickly packed her gear and sprint down the stairs. Before opening the door, she peeked out and surveyed the area for a potential Mat encounter.