When Xavier turned his head, saw Lily was bleeding out of her shoulder. She was shot, he looked around his eyes were filled with indescribable rage and fury then he sensed another upcoming bullet and quickly blocked it. He quickly stood up to see who was their assailant and surely enough it was Mat firing his gun behind the wrecked car. “Last chance monster, you or her?” he screamed but Xavier was beyond reasoning at this point, “HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!” Xavier roared. His eye started to glow a radiant red, his body was emitting a dark aura and was slowly morphing his body and gaining size and mass. This went on until he turned himself into his own version of the Wendigo he killed before then he let out a gut-wrenching howl so intense that Mat’s goons stood up and started bolting out of the forest, Mat dropped his gun in awe by the sight he just witnessing. Xavier with a ravenous intent, stomped his two massive arms in the ground slowly toward him, Mat was snapped back into reality and searched for something to depend himself. Every step he made left a burn mark on the ground displaying the intensity of his rage, a loud thud reverberated with every step and his eyes were now small red orbs inside a hollow deer-like skull. His fangs were long serrated knives that would shame even the great white sharks’ teeth. Mat flinched with every step, then Xavier placed his clawed hands and released another bloodcurdling after charging towards him, Mat was still looking for something to use as a weapon and saw the RPG rocket launcher a few feet from him. He glanced back at Xavier now hurdling towards him, he reacted just in time and dodge Xavier’s mighty strike colliding with a boulder instead imbedding his arm in it, Mat didn’t waste any time and made a mad dash towards the weapon. Recovering his arm, Xavier looked towards his prey and knew what he was planning to do so went after him by leaping in the air. Mat was a few feet near from it but he was knocked back by a large swipe from Xavier skidding him on the forest floor. Mat was on his feet again before Xavier made another charge, he dodged it but the monster grabbed him leg again smashing him on the ground. He let out another howl of victory as he slowly walked towards the injured Mat who desperately crawled his way towards his only means of killing the beast. Xavier morphed his right arm into a horrifying blade made out of bone and shadow but as he reeled in for a mighty strike, he felt someone was directly below his gaze. He looked down to see Lily was blocking his path, her arms were stretched to her sides ignoring the pain from gunshot wound. Xavier tilted his head but didn’t say anything. Lily opened her previously eyes to see her loving friend in his most horrifying state but she didn’t show any signs of fear nor disgust, she only stood her ground. “This isn’t you Xavier, you are not a monster, you are not some beast. You may look like one but to me you are the most humane person I have met, fearless, compassionate, determined, sweet, honest and a real genuine hero, my hero.” Lily said while she put a hand on side of his skeletal jaw and continued “And I loved you for that”. Upon hearing those words, Xavier started to calm down and slowly began to morph back into his normal state. Lily’s smile grew wide as the frame of her loving friend began to settled in, “Did you mean what do said just now?” Xavier said softly. “Every word” Lily replied and gave him a bear hug with her one good arm. Xavier haven’t felt like that since the day his mother and family were murdered. He returned the hug and he felt a tear going down his black cheek. From that day forward, Xavier found the person he will be with for the rest of their life. Mat saw this and his unrelenting jealousy enveloped him once again, not by the fact her ex-fiancé didn’t choose him but the mere idea of someone would choose a monster over him that sent his mind into a blind rage as he crawled towards the discarded weapon. When he reached it, he picked it up and began to stand up then he raised the devastating weapon and aimed it at the two lovers. Xavier sensed this but it was too late, by the time he raised his head towards Mat, the rocket launcher was already aimed right at them. “Eat this you freaking piece of crap” Mat screamed softly then press the trigger of the massive gun. Time seem to pause as the rocket flew towards them, Lily was still embracing her beloved was ignorant of what’s to come. Xavier’s eyes widened and without a second thought, he tossed Lily aside sending her tumbling on the ground, Lily as baffled by the sudden shove but when she saw the incoming attack, that the time she knew what was going to happen. As Xavier moved towards it and morphed his body around the incoming rocket but before he could fully harden his body to absorb the blast, it came into contact with him causing it to explode before he could in case it. Xavier’s inky black bits were scattered all over the forest floor, Lily now covered with the remains of her fallen lover before she knew it, she was crying. Silence filled the forest, and only thing that could be heard was Lily’s heavy sobbing and rageful curses at Mat. Realizing what he did, Mat dropped the gun and was slowly attempting to make his escape but before could starting running he stepped on one of the puddles from the remains of Xavier. He was going to raise his foot for another step but he didn’t, he tried to pull on it but it didn’t work. he was stuck for some reason, he started to get hysterical and was frantically pulling it with both arms with all of his remain strength. Then the most unexpected thing happened, Xavier’s bits and pieces began to move towards the puddle, as the bits and pieces came in contact with the puddle, it began to increase in size. As the puddle grew and grew, an outline of a hand was slowly coming into view, Lily halted her sobs as she saw and heard Mat struggling from where he was stuck then her eyes grew wide. A figure was forming as more and more of the bits combined with the puddle, Lily frown went upside down as Xavier was manifesting from the it, towering over and still grabbing on Mat ankle. When Xavier was fully manifested, Lily couldn’t be happier to see him alive. As Mat thrashed and pulled at his foot, Xavier looked down at him with rage in his eyes and raised his clawed hands for the final blow.