Act 21

Tommy was baffled on what he just witnessed, at this point he could no longer heard the serial killer’s cries of pain. While fumbling on his bindings, he saw a dark figure from the corner of his eye when he looked up, the shadowy creature was at the entrance of the door, blood was sprawled around his black cloak, the tentacles we moving all around in every direction, it slowly crept towards him. He became hysterical and pull harder trying desperately to escape but it was a fruitless task as the ropes were tightly wrapped around his arms. When Xavier was a few feet in front of him, he lowered his head and locked eyes with Tommy, he saw the same eyes full of fear but with the hint of relief. He manifested a clawed arm and Tommy thought it was going him next so he closed his eyes and prepare for his untimely demise but it didn’t come, he only felt his restraints loosen. He slowly opened his eyes to see the creature still looming over him, he grasped at his arms that were raw from the ropes but never moving his eyes away from the creature. Then without know he quietly said “Thank you” under his breathe, then he heard a voice ominous but reassuring “Tommy, don’t be afraid. You are safe now.” He slowly stood up and asked again “Who-What are you?” Tommy said slightly louder this time. “Could you keep a secret?” Xavier replied, Tommy nodded his head and the cloak of darkness was retreating back under this skin. The young man’s eyes grew wide as a familiar face slowly came into view, “Mr. Xavier?” the boy uttered amazed. Xavier put a finger to his mouth, and smiled. “You are the creature haunting this old mansion but how could be?” Tommy asked now with curiosity in his voice. “That’s a story for another time kiddo, right now we need to get you out of here and so you parent can clean you up, OK? Xavier said patting him on the back. Tommy smiled and Xavier tussled his hair, before they passed the door Xavier stopped and told Tommy to not look at the right hall, the young man asked why but he told him that he wouldn’t want to see what happened to the psychopath. Tommy agreed and they left the room making a left turn and not looking back.

Later, they were finally out of the tree line he repeated that he would not speak of his true form the boy agreed and the Xavier escorted him back to his house. Xavier knocked at the door and Tommy’s mom greeted them. She teared up as he saw his son wounded and bruised but was alive. She hugged him tightly and asked the kind soul where he found him, Xavier said he found him coming out of the tree line and he recognized him so he came to his aid and escorted him here. “Let’s clean you up, ok sweetie? Tommy’s mom said to her son, Tommy nodded and glazed back at his hero. Xavier gave a wink and both smiled. Tommy’s mother thanked Xavier profusely and he replied that he was only doing his civil duty. As he was walking away from the house, Tommy and his mother waved at him farewell before closing the door. Morning came and the talk on the streets was all about Tommy and his daring escape from a demented psychopath, Tommy was still recovering in his house but words spread quickly in their town and later the police began to search the abandoned mansion. Xavier and Lily was walking to work and they were greeted by the police officer Xavier spoke with and asked about where he had found the boy, Xavier told him what he told Tommy’s mother then the officer thanked him and drove off. Lily pinched Xavier on his side demanding to know what the whole conversation was all about, he repeated himself but Lily knew better. “You looked for him last night when you went out, didn’t you? You saved him?” Lily said quietly. Xavier scratched his head and told her that it was nothing, that it just wanted to help. “How did you do it?” Lily followed but Xavier only smirked and winked at his fiancé and she saw the familiar white glow in his eyes, she smiled back and they continued their walk to work. Meanwhile at the mansion, the police stumbled upon the escaped psychopath and they gasped at the sight of him. He was mangled to the point of unrecognition and was glued to the wall with an unknown black substance oozing through the walls. A few weeks later and Tommy was back to his old self again, he regularly visits Xavier and Lily to help them in the library and soon he found his place beside Xavier as his first janitorial apprentice. Life went on as normal from that day and but not entirely, Lily and Xavier got married and were expecting twins according to their doctor, as their family grew so those Xavier’s determination to protect their town. As if on cue, the crime rate began to rise again and the towns folk cower in their homes fearing the worst, locking their doors, initialing curfews at night but there are two amongst them that knew better and that there is someone or shall we say something that always protects them from the true monsters of this world. The police still to this day don’t know what could have done the execution of the convicted but they decided to let it and they were better off with the thing in the shadows than an escaped serial-killer roaming around, their street had never been safer. So, when some fool tries to harm an innocent civilian, they met with a terrible faith and the last thing they ever see is a dark hooded figure with two white orb-like eyes piercing their very soul.