
Andriya’s POV:

Soon it was the lunch hour. I bid bye to Mrs.Wilson and started making my way to my locker through the corridor. I reached my locker and waited there for others to join me. As I was waiting I looked around. The corridor was getting crowded with people meeting up with the rest of their friends. Each of them stuck to their own little groups. No one made any special effort to socialise with any other person outside their small circle other than the occasional smiles and waves.

I guess this was in human nature. Stick to what we know and avoid things that are foreign. I have wondered sometimes what would happen once we start getting out of this small bubble and into the seemingly alien world.

“Hey Gurlll!!!!” Zoey yelled right into my ear, jumping out from nowhere. I snapped out of the thoughts and yelped a bit. I was surprised and a bit frightened to be honest. Sometimes this girl can be as hyper as a kid high on sugar.