Monday, June 24, 2019

░ The Imperial Palace, Thetia, Midona, Empire of Thetia

░ Monday, June 24, 2019

░ At 7.59 pm


Only one-minute left. The camera operators and technicians were working on small details to avoid a technical problem, a sound engineer was testing my microphone, and translators were preparing to transcribe everything I was going to say. There were four of them today: two typing on the computer and transcribing my words on the spot, and two more who were memorizing them.

- "We're on air in 30 seconds!"

I did some exercises to warm up my voice and relax. Millions of people would listen to me and scrutinize my every move. I had no right to make mistakes, and even less in what I was going to tell them.

- "It starts in 3, 2, 1 it's on!"

As with every intervention I made live, the imperial anthem was played before I appeared. This hymn had existed since Thetia had been elected Head of the community that she managed to build upon what is now her Empire.

- "Thetians, people of the Empire of Thetia. If on this evening of June 24, 2019 I have decided to make this speech, it is to discuss several points with you. The future of the whole Empire is at stake.

For several years now, the Empresses who preceded me have tried to do what I am about to do, in vain. They were either disrupted by a crisis, a war or other projects to improve the Empire. My reason for doing this, is so that the next generation will have a better future, so that my daughter Rila can reign in a better environment with greater opportunities for everyone. I am not going to wait until the end of the speech to announce my greatest project. It's been a while that in the Empire, doubts have been rising about our origins: where do we come from? Why are we on this island? And the most important and widespread one: are we the only ones in this world? And tonight, I will respond to these questions. My answer is this: we are going to open the borders of our Empire to the world. You must be confused and that is normal.

I would like to begin by saying that we are not alone, we are just an Empire apart from other countries. To develop this answer further, we have to go back in time to the birth of our Creator Thetia Kestle. Where was she born? She wasn't born in the city that bears her name as the government claims it. She came from an Empire, the Empire of Edios, which today is still an Empire ruled by King Hermon Of Knightford. This Empire is located at the north of the so-called Eight Kingdoms. It is the most powerful economically and militarily. It also dominates trade and is ranked second in terms of population with over 900 million people. At the time of Thetia, in the thirteenth century, five royal families were at war for the throne. In the middle was the Kestle family, a large military family. It played a major role in the ascension of the Vassethier dynasty to the throne. When Thetia was born, King Harlan VI Vassethier was in power. From the moment of her birth, Thetia was considered as a jewel. Her mother Mary Vassethier was the King's younger sister. As you probably know, her father Hughes Kestle was an outstanding war strategist. In fact, it was he and the King's troops, who was his great friend, who annexed the Kingdoms of the four other families: to the northwest the House Of Angelli, to the southwest the House Of Knightford, to the east the House Of Pellerisey and to the north the House of Arberel. The Kestle and Vassethier Kingdoms are located in the center of the island of Edios. Currently, more than 13 thousand kilometers or 16 hours by plane separate us from Edios.

Now the question I should answer is: how did Thetia end up here? History lessons teach us that many conflicts of succession have arisen in the Empire. The desire for power and authority have the ability to change anyone who covets them. This is what happened to young Thetia. I cannot reveal everything to you now for the simple and good reason that confidential documents from the imperial family about Thetia will be provided first to politicians and historians, and then to the rest of the population. Why historians in particular, because they are the ones who write our history, and they will have to write the history of Thetia's origins with the help of the private library of the imperial family. Secondly, it implies that school curricula will have to change and adapt. However, this is not for now, don't worry.

Before concluding this first point, I am going to situate the Empire in the world and what place does it have? What is said about the Empire? Thetia is located in the south of the world of the Eight Kingdoms, surrounded by the Terrible Waters. All the countries living in the north of these waters have never managed to cross them and reach Thetia. That is why Thetia is considered a legend, a myth in the eyes of other civilizations. Thetia is a legend for the inhabitants of other countries, a kind of lost paradise I would say. Only a few stories mention the Empire but never revealing its name and its position in this world. However, the authors of these tales mysteriously disappeared without a trace between the 13th and 16th centuries, at the end of the invaders' era. The image of this Paradise Lost has changed over the years. For a while, Thetia was thought to be a place linked to the devil. Some countries like Abari had a habit, that during a trial of a major crime, the criminal was condemned to be sent to Thetia. He would be released into the open sea on a small boat and sent to the Terrible Waters. This happened to a man who was accused of killing his family, but the problem was that he was innocent. He is one of the few cases to have survived and so he lived on the island and his descendants have been on the Empire since the dawn of time.

To conclude this first point on the origins of this Empire, we do not come from the same country. You must have noticed it around you. Some people look different, but it doesn't matter how different they are. We are and will remain the same, equal in law. Thetia was not alone, she was accompanied by several people, and they formed the first village of the Empire: Thetia. How do I know it, how does the imperial family know it? Thetia wrote in several diaries her journey : from her birth and life on Edios to her death on Thetia. These diaries will be published as well, so you will be able to make your own opinion about the situation. Finally, the reason why the Empire was never revealed in previous centuries was one of Thetia's wishes. Here is what she wrote: "Opening the Empire would not be a good idea as long as the hatred towards my existence remains. Soldiers would do anything to find me, find us and kill us like animals. For future readers of what I am writing, be sure that you will be able to take full responsibility for this act of revealing the Empire. If not, don't do it and wait for the best moment" end of quote. So, Thetians and Thetiannes, I know that the Empire is ready to show itself. Our economy is at its highest point, the unemployment rate is decreasing year after year and as far as the military and technology are concerned, we are very well advanced if we compare with Edios. I will take all the responsibility, you must and can trust me on this.

Now that you know our origins, you must be aware of the consequences of revealing ourselves. The first is a presumption. Probably it won't be like that. First of all, our integration could take a long time. These countries do not know us, and could consider us as enemies or as hostile. Thus, we will have to be ready to respond to all kinds of attacks or attempts to colonize the Empire. If Edios were to attack us, we would not have the weight militarily, but technologically we would. Every day, research centers develop new weapons and other objects that Edios does not have. However, I sincerely believe that Edios will not do anything. If we summarize what I announced earlier, Edios and Thetia are linked. On the contrary, we should unite!

Then, it is important to mention trips outside Thetia and visits in the Empire. Of course, there will be border controls, no one will leave or return as he wishes. The only means that will facilitate the exchanges will be the plane. Controls will take place as usual before walking into the airport, upon arrival at the destination and at the security gates. Nevertheless, if people from these countries come to the Empire, no discrimination will be tolerated. This also works if you decide to leave or travel. The imperial government will do its utmost to support you. This will also work if you decide to go to live and work in one of these countries.

Finally, to finish my second point, it is important to note that the professional world will no longer be limited to the Empire. Young people and adults from the Eight Kingdoms will come to our lands in search of a future and work. So we will have to prepare our teenagers through internships, professional encounters, but above all by highlighting their skills so that they can stand out from the crowd. It is not because they are from Thetia that they are less intelligent. It's not because they haven't learned the same things as students at Edios that they shouldn't have the same opportunities, and I insist on that.

As my speech is coming to an end, I would like to conclude by mentioning the positive points. First, the expansion of trade. Companies will be able to export their products throughout the world, if I may say so! This will promote competition, because we will have to make a place for ourselves on the mastodons of other countries. In addition, our companies would have the opportunity to open branches abroad, and thus attract more consumers. Of course, there are a lot of points to highlight and that is why the Kings and Queens as well as the Ministers are available to answer your questions. Each of them will make a speech in the next few days to tell you about future projects concerning them.

Then, perhaps the Empire will have to face a wave of immigration. Nevertheless, we have already welcomed people from these countries, while having them sign confidentiality papers to stay in the Empire. The last person to come dates back to the 20th century. One thing I forgot to mention: how can we know all this information? Over the centuries, members of the imperial family, royal families and members of the government have sent correspondents to different countries and empires. We are not going to reveal their identities to you for their security.

Furthermore, the world of tourism will greatly develop. Travel agencies and tour operators will have to work in partnership with companies from other countries, and thus make travel accessible to the people of the Empire. This also works the other way around. We need to be able to welcome tourists.

Then, we will be able to offer students the opportunity to learn new languages and cultures. International exchange will be available for any student who wishes to do so. Together with the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Josie Sykes and the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, we have decided that, in the third year, a semester abroad will be required, in particular for language bachelor's degrees, business studies and translation studies. However, we will not let you leave without help. The State will create specialized organizations and will provide scholarships and financial aid for all students. This will allow students to learn another culture, deepen their knowledge and increase their chances of finding a job. Keeping in mind the theme of teaching, I mentioned a few minutes ago that the school curricula are going to be changed. Everything will be done to ensure that these changes take place before 2021.

We will then have to elect a new minister: the Minister of Foreign Affairs. For this, a list of candidates will be presented to you at the end of the week, and the choice will be yours.

Remember, the future of the Empire is at stake and I wish only the best for my people. It is a selfish decision, of course, but think of your children, your grandchildren, your descendants. I know as a mother that you only wish the best for them.

The next few months will be dedicated to organizing relations with the world of the Eight Kingdoms, and we will keep you informed of its progress every week.

Thetians, thank you for listening to me.

Have a good evening.

Your Empress Odessa Kestle.