Friday, September 06, 2019

░ International News Broadcasting Company (INBC), Thournebourne, Kingdom of the Knightford family, Edios

░ Sunday, September 08, 2019

░ At 11:00 am


- "Good morning everyone and welcome to the political news of Sunday, September 8, which is dedicated especially to the meeting of Friday, September 6. Remember, His Majesty Hermon Of Knightford announced that he had received a mysterious letter signed Odessa Kestle. In response to this, many theories and plots emerged, and everyone wanted to know the truth. But, the truth was eventually revealed, because on Monday, September 2, Empress Odessa Kestle and her family from the Empire of Thetia arrived at Charles Of Knightford Airport and were greeted by the King himself. Finally, two days ago, a huge assembly was held in Thournebourne at the Union Palace between the Empress and all the leaders of the other countries. Our cameras were able to go inside the assembly to interview several presidents, but we did not have the opportunity to interview the Empress. Today on our set to discuss Thetia's Empire, economist and economics professor Patrick Wyatt, historian Imogen Dines specializing on Edios, political scientist and political journalist Jasper Quin and international relations consultant Mitchell Morgan. Let's begin by talking about Her Majesty Odessa Kestle and her family. During her speech, her statements, how did you find her? Rather conciliatory, hard, inflexible? Jasper Quin"

- "I was lucky enough to see them arrive at the airport tarmac and the first thing that struck me when I saw the Empress, was her aura of authority and respect. She literally got me root to the spot, I was impressed by her presence. Then, I would say that what I felt at the airport was totally reflected during the assembly. I think you all agree, don't you?"

- "Indeed, we can quote when the president of Duaples began to ask her questions that I would describe as sensitive, she did not let herself be stepped on and answered him politely but harshly at the same time".

- "To complement what Mitchell just said, I think many thought they were dealing with a very small, not very cultured Empress about the state of our world, but she proved just the opposite. In stating her points, she was able to convince the whole congregation while making concessions, and I personally found her very open-minded compared to some of the leaders".

- "And you Patrick, do you have anything to add?"

- "While we're still on our impressions of the Imperial family, I'd like to talk about her heiress, her daughter Rila Kestle. We learned that she was 18 years old, which is the majority as in most countries. We learned about her plans to write a biography on Thetia Kestle, her ancestor and the reason why this Empire has hidden itself from everyone's eyes. When it comes out, I intend to read it, because I don't know about you Imogen, but I have very rarely heard about Thetia Kestle in my history classes, especially since she lived in one of the most important periods of Edios".

- "Indeed, you are not wrong Patrick and historians agree on this subject, that Thetia Kestle is one of the most mysterious people due to the fact that we don't have a lot of information about her. Afterwards, I think that we didn't have enough means to work on this subject, so I hope that the historians of Thetia's Empire will agree to collaborate with us on future projects!"

-"Above all, this Thetia has an Empire that bears her name. The question that I ask myself and that the inhabitants of the Empire have asked themselves: what are the reasons for which she found herself more than 13,000 kilometers away from her native land? It is unimaginable that a simple young girl would find herself in such conditions!"

- "I share your point of view because it doesn't make any sense. I hope with all my heart that Princess Rila Kestle, if I can call her that, will succeed in finding the truth and if she needs help in her search, I am ready and willing to help her! As a historian, it is my duty".

- "Thank you for your interventions, we will continue after this short break, where Abigail Crummey will present you the weather of the day".

░ At 11: 35 am

- "Good morning to those who have just joined us! Today, we address the subject of the Empire of Thetia thanks to the Assembly of the Union which took place two days ago. Still at my side are the economist and economics professor Patrick Wyatt, Edios historian Imogen Dines, political scientist and political journalist Jasper Quin and international relations consultant Mitchell Morgan. Just before the weather forecast, we were talking about our impressions of Her Majesty Odessa Kestle and her daughter and heiress Rila. Finally, we began to tackle the mystery surrounding Thetia Kestle. Do you have anything else to add"

- "Yes, if you'll allow me, Hunter!"

- "We're listening Imogen".

- "We were debating the fact that it is almost unimaginable that a young girl could end up more than 13,000 kilometers away from home, but several points need to be clarified and enlightened. First, it is important to remember that Thetia was one of the candidates for the throne of Edios. She could have married Harlan VII Vassethier but it never happened. Secondly, how can you explain that an Empire now populated by 90 million people can come from a single person? Personally, I would put money on it that Thetia was not the only one to leave. To finish, I would like to know her journey: from her flight from Edios to her arrival on what will become her Empire".

- "That's true, I had never paid attention that she could never have been alone. With your fellow historians during your research on Thetia Kestle, could you have imagined that she would survive or not at all?"

- "To be honest, the chances were very low, especially at that time. If she had today's technology then her chances of survival would have been high. Already the question to ask is what road did she take? Our historians do not have that answer. Only those of the Empire of Thetia have it".

- "Now, let us talk, if you will, about the Empress' speech and the points she mentioned. Let's start with you Patrick and Mitchell on the economy. Then we will talk about the politics of the Empire and how the political relations with other countries will be with you Jasper and as for Imogen, she will complete with historical facts with what the others will say".

- "Economically, the discovery of this Empire can bring a lot of positive points for the countries. Firstly, I think that the standard of living will improve in the countries where trade with the Thetia Empire will be beneficial. There will also be an increase in the GDP and the listing of large companies from Thetia on the stock exchange. Secondly, it will promote competition between our companies. I know that some may think that this will be a negative point, but it will force our companies to always innovate. In addition, we're going to see the emergence of new technology that we don't have. So the sector that will develop the most, in addition to trade, is the technology sector. Finally, many jobs will be created. I suppose that some big companies of Thetia will set up branches in countries of the Eight Kingdoms, so, this will help the integration of young people and the unemployed in the world of work, creating more opportunities to lower the unemployment rate".

- "To follow up on what Mitchell says, this opening of the borders will greatly promote tourism. I don't know if you can imagine the work that awaits travel agencies and tour operators in our country for example. There are going to be partnerships between different hotels, resorts, but if we talk more broadly, also for sports teams and that's my next point. Players from soccer teams for example are going to be approached from all over the world, and there are rumors that the Edios national team wants to recruit a player called Damon Willis, the CFC's top striker (Chesterfield Football Club). It should be known that this team is considered the best soccer team in the Thetia Empire, so it will be difficult for the club to let go of its flagship striker. Then, the financial investments between countries will increase. Obviously, there will be concessions to be made for both sides, but we will see the consequences in several months or even years".

- "I totally agree with you Patrick, there will be a lot of concessions, especially at the political level. We learned at the Assembly that new trade laws will be established soon, and only then will trade be able to begin. Personally, I think that Edios will be the main country in the exchanges with Thetia, because we are linked historically. Afterwards, the question of the military was raised, and the Empress was not specific about it, and that is understandable. Nevertheless, she made it clear that the Minister of Army and Public Order Ezekiel Kestle, who is her brother, will not take part in the existing conflicts because of common sense. She said, and I quote: "We will not take part in the conflicts that already exist, but if in the future our help is required, then we will see what we do". This shows that she is still hesitating, but I am convinced that if Edios asks, she will have to say yes. In addition to trade laws, there will be laws on the movement of people, as well as travel regulations. It will be similar to what we have, namely the visa and the passport. The King has announced, that the laws that already apply to other countries, will be the same for the Thetia Empire".

- "Thank you for the details, gentlemen. Imogen, do you have any further details to add?"

- "Yes, one point they didn't mention that is important is that when tourism to the Thetia Empire begins, I think a good number of people will leave to settle permanently in the Empire. In addition, perhaps some companies from here will move their headquarters, because as the Empress mentioned, the fees and taxes are cheaper".

- "However, it depends on where your business is located. If it's in the business district, of course it's going to be expensive. But if a company has a turnover of several millions, several billions, then I think it's going to be the same from here".

- "So if I combine all your opinions, you think that Thetia's Empire is not a threat to our economy, our politics, our trade?"

- "Not for the moment at least, at least that's just my opinion".

- "I think like you Jasper".

- "Thank you for being here, gentlemen, madam. This is the end of this political point of Sunday, September 08. See you tomorrow, same time for a new edition. We wish you a good afternoon".