░ The Kestle Kingdom, Edios
░ September 1259
░ During the afternoon
The two lovers ran through the narrow streets of the villages and the dense forests around them, pursued by the soldiers of the imperial army. Their short breaths mingled with the sound of their footsteps, and their hearts beat faster and faster as they felt the soldiers getting closer.
Andrew held his beloved's hand, fearing he would never see her again. His survival instinct had taken over. He had to survive! They were both exhausted and scared, but they knew they had to keep running if they wanted to stay alive. Who knows what would happen if they were captured. Andrew knew he would surely be executed, but what about Thetia? Perhaps the public would forgive her, perhaps she would be disowned by her own family and friends? However, he was sure she would stay alive. She was far too important to Edios and the imperial family.