MY PHONE vibrated by my side and I rolled over to get it from the stool beside my sofa. I had fallen asleep while watching TV and I rubbed my eyes and checked the caller, it was Kelvin.

I cleared my throat and said, "Hey."

"Are you ready?"


"For tonight, of course. I thought you decided to go."

"Oh, that."

"Yes, that. I'm picking you up by 7 p.m.... It's a good thing I'm calling now, go get dressed, wear some heels and a nice gown. We're celebrating, dude!"

"I didn't ask for this," I grumbled out.

"Do you honestly want to be in the house every day of your life?"


"Then get dressed, I'm picking you up soon."

"Okay, just know we'll go home whenever I say so."

"Absolutely, it's your party."

"See you later then." I disconnected and went to the bathroom.