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Even though my son Ryan and his girlfriend Charlie isn't present at school physically, they were still doing school work but they were doing it online and surprisingly they both did all there assignments and tests and even took all of their required notes a week before the students at York Brown's High so that they could have free time together and in other words Charlie and Ryan was ahead of all the students at my school.

I miss Ryan around the house dearly, because my house that was noisy was quiet as a lamb that if a pin dropped you could hear it. But gladly my baby was coming home today and to say that I was excited would be an understatement.

Charlie has surely changed my son from being Mr player to a one girl type of guy and speaking of the two adorable couple. I still haven't showed the video to Charlie nor Ryan were all the misunderstanding started before Charlie went into a coma, but then again everything happens for a reason ain't that right?