I Dyed My Father & Sister Hair But It Didn't Went Well

"Charlie wake up! Remember we both have school today," Carter shouted as he jumped down on his sister with all his weight.

"Carter get off me! Do you not know what the word privacy means and don't you remember our old school biology teacher Mr Fox, that warned the entire class that if they put their entire weight on someone it can kill the person/persons? Am not going to school today but that doesn't stop you from going," Charlie said with a yawn before she pushed Carter off her body causing him to hiss in pain as his butt connected with the ground.

"Ouch! Dam it Charlie! You better be ready in 5 minutes before I cut your hair in your sleep," Carter said threateningly to Charlie with his usual smirk plastered on his face.

"You will do no such thing," Charlie stated nervously before snuggling further in her cushion.