Author's note:Welcome back my fellow readers, are you ready for an epic update? Good, because this chapter will overflow your thoughts and make you want to sip some cup of coffee.
I want some of my kind readers to contribute 40 or more coins for the next chapter that I upload... Well, that is if you're not broke of course. I'm talking about the thousands of people that has never contributed to my novel, your the ones that get to decide if I should any money yes or no. I haven't earn a penny as yet because I don't have 10,000 coins, it's very depressing guys so please contribute to show some gratitude to my book.
Lets head into the chapter!
"Babe! Have you seen my lap top?!" Charlie shouts from inside of the bathroom.
"I think it's in the study honey! That's the last place I see you with it!" Ryan shouted back, as he delicately shakes Rihanna in his arms back to bed.