The Travel

I wake up at 6 am as my flight leaves today at 11. I see my brother still sleeping, so I go to my room and get ready for my flight. I wear a black crop top with black jeans, and a grey long-sleeved coat and pair it with some black sneakers and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I wake my brother up, and we both head to the airport. It is starting to get cold here. The rainy season is over, and soon winter will start. I look at the rising sun and think that I am so lucky to be alive to see this beautiful sight. We often take everything in our life for granted. The beautiful sunrise, the voices of early birds, looking for food, the air smelling like the rain and time spent with family. We never know when we will be robbed of all these. I look at kei, and he is awfully quiet.

Tears already start forming in my eyes since I know that I won't be seeing my brother for a long time. I pray to God to take care of him. He will be alone in that big house that has a lot of memories of our past. The time we spent with our parents is still a rocky topic for us.

We soon reach the airport, and I see my friends with a huge 'miss you' board in their hands.

They both run to me and catch me in a tight hug.

“Can’t br.. breathe.” I manage to say, and they release me. We look at each other and start laughing.

"You have everything with you right"? Keith asks me.

"Yes, Kei will you be alright?" I ask him.

"I will be fine. Don't worry. You take care ok." he says with tears forming in his eyes. I hug him and start crying because he has been my everything these last two years.

"I love you Kei, take care." I say, not wanting to leave him.

“Please for the love of God do your laundry every day and don’t forget to put the dosa batter back in the fridge or else it will go bad. Check if the back door is closed before you sleep. Don’t forget to switch on the mosquito coil. Try to eat healthily. Don’t drown yourself in work. Try to-”

“I get it. I get it, baby sis. I am two years older than you. I think I can manage it pretty well without you here.” He chuckles through the tears.

I realise that I had been lecturing him, although he is the one who has been taking care of me these past two years. I chuckle with him.

"I love you too Ara." he says, and I hug him again.

"Don't forget to call us every day ok." my friends tell me.

"I promise guys, love you."

"Love you too Kia." I am going to miss them so much, but I still can't wait to go to America.

I wave goodbye to my friends and head towards the security check. I look back one last time and wave before entering. Everything that has happened from, my parent's death to receiving mail that a family has accepted me as an exchange student, flashes before me. I smile.

I get some breakfast and wait for the flight, and soon boarding is announced. I get ready for my eighteen-hour flight to Washington. I sent a text to Raven Scott telling her that I boarded my flight and will be there in the next eighteen hours, US is nine and a half hours behind India, so I will reach at 7:30 pm according to US time.

Once the flight takes off, I refuse food and just consume liquids because I can get airsick. I can't help but think about the guy my age. Is he handsome? will he be kind, or will he hate me? I ask myself.

What? I am a girl. I think about all this stuff.

I watch a couple of movies and spend some time sleeping before I reach Washington. I text both my brother and Raven informing them that I reached, and wait for my luggage. Once I get all my belongings, I go outside. I am here. I am FINALLY here. A huge smile graces my face. I throw my hands in the air and squeal. I ignore the looks I receive. I calm down and hug myself as it is pretty cold here since it is the first week of December. I spot Raven near her car, and she smiles and hugs me once I reach her.

"Hi, Kiara. How are you?" she inquires.

"Hello, Raven. I am great how are you doing?"

"I am great honey how was your flight?" She asks me, her tone worried.

"It was fine. I didn't get any air sickness." I reassure her.

She helps me with my stuff and we are on our way to their home.

“I can’t wait to see the expression on their face when they see you.” She says excitedly.

“Especially a beautiful and kind girl like you.” I thank her with a taint of pink coating my cheeks. I can't take compliments very well.

“So, Reed is the same as you. He will be a senior next year. Ryder is the little one. He is studying in sixth grade. I think you and Ryder will get along well.”

She tells me more about her home, her kids, and her husband, and I tell her about myself, and soon we reach her home.

"I am sure you are going to love it here Kiara. We will make your life one hell of an adventure." Raven says excitedly. I chuckle at her enthusiasm but, I can't help but look forward to my time in America.

The house is beautiful. It is a two-floor house, and it gives me a homey feeling that I missed after my parents' death.

"This is our dog, Ella," Raven says when a golden retriever comes running to me and jumps on me.

"Hey there buddy, calm down." I laugh as she licks my face.

"She likes you." Raven tells me.

"I love dogs but my mom was allergic so we never had them." I tell her.

Raven knows about my parents' death. She gives me a sad smile.

"Anyway, the boys are at their friend's house. Blake will be picking them and coming home anytime now." she says glancing at her watch.

Soon enough, we hear the front door open and, Blake comes in with two boys. One of the boys catches my eye. He has brown hair and a tattoo on his arm, and he was 6 feet or more and another boy with brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back. Let’s call the elder one tall boy since I forgot his name.

The tall boy looks at me, then the dog, then at me, and then the dog. I would really love to know what is going on inside his head now.

Well, my question is answered.

"Oh good, the dog caretaker is here, she can walk Ella now." the tall boy tells his mom.

Ok, wait. Hold up, go back, me? A dog caretaker? What?