My Time With Reed

I wake up to Ella licking my face trying to wake me up.

"I am up, I am up," I reassure her with a laugh. She gives me a doggy grin, if that is possible, and leaves my room.

I get ready for the day. I wear a hoodie, legging, pair them with white sneakers, and leave my hair down. I walk downstairs to find the boys ready for school and eating breakfast.

"Ooh, finally, the queen has awakened." Ryder greets me.

"At your service." I give him a bow, he chuckles. I greet everyone else and make myself a bowl of cereal.

"Kia, I have work today, so I won't be home. Will you be fine all alone?" Raven asks me, concerned.

She is a housewife but, she is also a substitute doctor. So, she works rarely and, Blake is a CEO of a good marketing company. They are pretty rich.

"I will be fine. I will probably spend the day talking to my friends or chilling in the pool." I reassure her.

She gives me a small smile and gets ready for work. Soon everyone leaves, and I face time my friends. Considering the time difference, they will probably be asleep.

But what are best friends for if you don't annoy them? So I bravely face time my two best friends.

They both answer but, it is eerily silent, and I can see Div fuming with anger. I nervously chuckle, and she takes a pillow as if to hit me but then, I remember that she cannot. She buries her face in the pillow and screams. I wince, listening to the voice.

Anna can barely contain her laughter. She laughs like there is no tomorrow. I cannot control either so, I start laughing. You see, my laugh is the silent laugh. I laugh so much but, no sound comes out. It comes in handy sometimes when you are in class then your friend mimics the teacher.

"You guys think this is funny?" Div asks with anger in her voice but, her lip is curled up like she is trying not to smile

"Come on, Div. It is not that bad. If Kia calls us, we cannot be angry. You know the time gap." Anna tells Div.

"Yeah, yeah, fine." she grumbles like a five-year-old. I smile.

I miss them. After I lost my parents, I don't know what I would have done without my friends.

"So, how is that hot guy in your house?" Anna asks excitedly.

"Nothing much. Reed still hates me, and I don't know why." I sigh as I tell my friends.

"But why do I have a feeling that you are gonna do something about it?" Anna asks me with a smirk.

God, my friend knows me too well.

"You guys know I am a curious person, so I am gonna find out why he hates me and if he has a past that makes him hate me." I answer.

"But don't you think he is gonna get angry if you go snooping through his life?" Anna questions.

"Yeah, I know, but you guys know that I hate if somebody hates me for no reason." They shrug.

"Anyway, when are you starting school?" Div asks me.

"I think after the winter holidays," I say, trying to remember.

I am joining the same school as Reed. He and I are both juniors now. We will be seniors next year and, I am excited, but I still have to finish Junior year. I am surprised they gave me admission to join in the middle.

"Anyway, you guys go back to bed. I am sorry, not sorry for waking you up." I smirk at them while my friends glare at me.

"Love you guys byeeeee." I end the call without letting them finish.

Phew, I am thankful that Div didn't rip my head out for waking her up. She loves sleep more than anything in the world, but maybe food. Once, her brother woke her up during her peaceful nap just to annoy her. She was so angry that she added eggs and onion juice to his shampoo. I know it is a weird combination, and needless to say, her brother smelled like rotten eggs for a week.

Suddenly I feel water droplets on my hand, and I look up at the ceiling to see if anything is leaking. I see nothing, but my vision is blurry. Then, I realize that it is a tear and that I am crying.

Hey, don't judge me. I am sensitive, so I get emotional fast. Memories of my friends brought tears and a smile to my face. I wipe my tears and glance at the clock. It's a little after three pm and, the boys should be home anytime.

And I also need to go to the mall to buy gifts for Christmas. My parents were both CEOs in a company. So, they left a lot of money for me and Keith to sustain for our whole life without working, but after my parent's death, I did work part-time to make money for myself.

The front door opens and, I go downstairs to see Reed coming inside.

"Where is Ryder?" I ask him, not seeing Ryder anywhere.

"Friends house." is the only reply I receive. I sigh.

"I need a favour." I ask, hoping he will agree.

"And why would I help you?" he asks with a smirk.

"I need to get presents for Christmas, so I need your help to go to the mall," I tell him, refusing to meet his eyes.

He is not going to help.

"Fine, I will take you," he finally answers.

"Please, I have to buy... wait, did you just agree to take me to the mall?" I ask, not believing my ears.

Well, that was easy...

"But on one condition."

..not, I assumed quickly.

"Fine, what is it?" I ask with anticipation of what he is going to tell.

What he tells me next brings a smirk to my face.