The Mysterious Boy

I wake up and realize that it is Sunday morning, and there is only a week left for Christmas. I always go to church back in India on Sundays. I shower and wear a white knee-length dress and pair it with a blue jean jacket. I leave my hair down and apply some mascara and lip gloss.

I go downstairs and see only Raven and Blake in the dining room. I guess the boys are still sleeping because it is only 8:30.

I greet them good morning, and raven raises a brow, questioning 'why I am all dressed up?'

"So do you guys go to church on Sundays?" I ask Raven.

"No, we don't. But we do go during Christmas and New Year." Blake answers.

"Can anyone of you please take me to any church nearby?"

"Sure, honey. I will take you." Raven answers. I thank her, and she goes upstairs to get ready. Meanwhile, I finish my breakfast.

"Come on, Kia. Let's go," Raven tells me as she comes downstairs, changing her PJs to a full-sleeved top with black jeans and a sweater.

It is pretty cold outside, and I smile, looking at the snow because this is the first time in my whole life I am seeing snow. I remember how happy I was when I saw the first snow of the year. When I was in India, Raven took a video and sent me. Keith was so happy. It has always been my wish to celebrate Christmas in America. I love how beautiful the country looks with all the snow. Houses are decorated, and when it's night, the whole street is so bright and beautiful.

Another thing off the bucket list. See the snow in real life.

Soon she pulls up to a beautiful church. I ask her to come and get me after an hour.

I go inside and see it pretty much filled, but I find a bench in the last only occupied by a boy about my age but, he is poorly dressed. I go and sit near him, and I can see him visibly stiffen.

I didn't give it a second thought.

Throughout the service, I can see him sitting with a sad expression on his face. He looks malnourished and very sick. Who is he? My question was soon answered.


After some time, the service comes to an end. I finish praying and step outside when someone stops me.

"Hello dear are you new here?" an old man, probably by the age of 60, asks me.

"Yes sir. This is my first time coming to this church." I reply with a smile.

"I am John Terren dear. You can call me John." he replies with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, John."

"So dear I advice you to sit either in the front or somewhere other than this bench," he tells me, his tone serious.

"Why sir? why am I not allowed to sit here?" I couldn't help but ask him.

He looks behind me, and I can see him looking at the boy who is still sitting there, then he turns to me with a scowl on his face.

"That boy you see his name is Andrew Parker. He killed his own father when he was young so I fear that he will harm you too." he tells me with anger and disgust in his voice.

I only reply with an "Oh." to John because I am shocked by that information. I glance behind to see the boy silently crying, and I knew that he heard the conversation. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"So please do not sit next to that thing, he is supposed to be banned from this church but they still allow him to come inside." he tells me.

He is crazy. How can he say something like that? Indeed, I do not know the whole story, but how can a son kill his father?

"I will see, and nice meeting you sir.. John." I tell him with a stiff smile and leave the church, taking a last glance at the broken boy.

I go outside to see Raven waiting for me. I get in the car.

"So how was it?" she questions.

"It was great, but at the end, some guy named John came to tell me that I shouldn't sit on the last bench with the boy Andrew, do you know him?" I ask raven

"Yeah, poor boy. His father died in a car accident when he was 7 years old, and his mother got remarried again but, she also passed away two years ago due to cancer so he is living with his stepfather.

He is hated by everyone because people say that he is the reason for the car crash in which his father died. His father was well respected among everyone. I knew his mother so I cook and give some clothes to him occasionally." Raven replies.

"Does his stepfather not have a job?"

"Some say his stepfather blames the boy for his wife's death. So he doesn't treat him right." she informs me.

The death of his father was definitely not his fault. How can a seven-year-old cause a car accident? I know how it is to lose your parents' and, without a sibling or a family, it is hard to cope. I wonder what the boy goes through.

We reach home, and I see the boys awake and eating cereal.

"Where did you go?" Ryder asks me.

"I went to church." I reply. He nods

The rest of the day I spend wrapping the presents and face timing my friends and Keith. I tell Keith about Andrew.

"Kia, we both know how hard it is to lose our parents. So, if you want to do something for him do it. Give him a present for Christmas to make him feel better." he tells me.

"Yeah, I should. No one should be unhappy during Christmas. Thank you kei, I will call tomorrow. Go back to sleep." I smile sheepishly.

"Yeah next time don't wake me up when I am sleeping, or else I am going to come there and kill you." he warns me.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, love you too kei." I reply and end the call.

I watch horror movies with Ryder and stay up late since the boys are out of school till next year.

I get ready for bed and think about what I should do for Andrew. I eventually fall asleep thinking about the mysterious boy.