My First Day

Today is my first day of school. I am excited, but I am also very nervous. I take a long shower and wear my outfit for the day. It consists of a white sleeveless shirt and a black skirt that reaches my knee and pair it with a jean jacket and a pair of black sandals and French braid my hair. I take a look at myself in the mirror and feel satisfied. I go downstairs and greet Raven, who is making breakfast.

"You look amazing, Kiara. You will have boys at your feet." Raven tells me with a grin. I can't help but blush at her words.

"Thanks, Raven." I answer her, and then I see Reed come down the stairs. Calling him hot right now would be an understatement. He is dressed in a tight white t-shirt with skinny black jeans and a black jean jacket. He has that whole bad boy look. He sees me, and his eyes take in my outfit, and he gives me a smirk. I realize that I am openly checking him out. Reed sits beside me, and Raven places a plate full of pancakes in front of him.

"You guys are kind of twinning right now." Raven smiles. I look at my outfit and, then his, and then mine again, and yes, we are twinning with the white shirt and my black skirt and his jean. I continue eating my breakfast, ignoring Reed. A few moments later, Raven goes out of the kitchen, and I can feel Reed's breath near my ear.

"Baby, I know I am hot. You don't have to confirm it for me by openly checking me out." he says with his husky voice, and I can imagine the smirk on his face right now. The nickname makes my stomach go choo- choo train. I turn to face him and see him already looking at me.

"Cocky much?" I scoff. He simply smirks. Soon Ryder comes with Raven, and we all finish our breakfast.

"Come on, guys, you have to be at school in 20 minutes." Raven informs. I get my backpack and wait for the guys to wear their shoes.

"Kiara, don't worry, you will do great at school and never change yourself to fit in. You are perfect just the way you are." Raven tells me and places a small kiss on my forehead. Raven has started treating me like her own daughter. I give her a thankful smile, and we all say our goodbyes and go to Reed's car.

"I call shotgun." I shout and run to the passenger door. Ryder chuckles behind me, and Reed is looking at me with amusement.

"You know you act more like a child than I do, and I am the younger one here." Ryder tells me. I stick my tongue out at him. Soon we start heading to school.

I am nervous. My first day of school here in America. Will I find friends? Will I get to my classes alright? Will I-

"Kiara, you are going to be fine. Stop jittering." Reed interrupts my thoughts. I give him a thankful smile.

I look outside to see that we are at Ryder's block. Even though we go to the same school, middle school comes first before high school. Ryder says goodbye, and before he gets out of the car, I stop him.

"You remember what I told you, right, bud? Just go talk to those kids and let me know about it after school." I tell him with a smile. He smiles and nods and waves a final goodbye before entering the school.

"What was that all about?" Reed asks me on our way to school.

"Ryder told me that he doesn't have a lot of friends and that his classmates don't like him and stuff so, I just gave him a pep talk, that's all."

Reed doesn't answer me, but his lips curl upwards in a smile. He looks at me.

"I am happy that Ryder opened up to you, sparkle. He doesn't open up to people much." he tells me with a smile.

I frown at him for the nickname, but my stomach is doing stuff when he calls me that. He understands why I am frowning and chuckles.

I was able to see the school after a few minutes, and Reed suddenly, stops the car, and I glance outside to see a beautiful park near us. I look at him, confused.

"I am sorry, Kiara, but I have to ask you to walk from here to school. I have a reputation, and I cannot enter with a girl and please don't tell people you live with me. It will not only affect my reputation, but it will also affect yours's too and meet me at the park after school." he finishes.

"You are such a jerk." I tell him and get out and close the door as loud as I can. I am such an idiot to think that he was not much as a jerk as I thought him to be. And he goes and does this.

But I am not a quitter. Even though he might be an idiot, I will make him open up to me. I soon reach the school entrance, and I see Reed near his car talking, or should I say flirting with a couple of girls, and they are literally throwing themselves at him. Literally.

I take a deep breath and enter the school. Here goes nothing. I can see people throwing glances at me and whispering to their friends.

'Who is she?'

'She is pretty,'

'Where is she from?'

I ignore all of them and head to the front office with a student's help. I receive my timetable and my locker number. I am already five minutes late for my first class, which is chemistry. Screw Reed for making me late for class.

I was so held up in my thoughts I didn't see the person in front of me and head straight into that person and fall straight on my butt.

"Owie, that hurt. I think I broke my butt." I mumble to myself. I hear chuckles from above me, and I look up to see a boy with blonde hair and a lean build.

"Broke my butt, that's new." he says, helping me up. I give him a grateful smile rubbing my butt.

"You new here?"

"Yeah, sorry. I am Kiara Tennyson, nice to meet you." I greet with a smile.

"Hey, Kiara. I am Luke lance. Nice to meet you too, and I am sorry about bumping into you. I was not looking where I was going." he tells me with an apologetic smile.

"No, it was completely my fault. I was already late for my first class on my first day so, I was not looking where I was going." I reassure him.

"What is your first class?" He questions and takes my timetable from my hand before I answer.

"Oh, it's chemistry, see it's that class over there." he points to a classroom behind me.

"Thank you so much for your help." I thank him. I was about to head to class when he, stops me.

"Hey, we have the same lunch period. Since you are new here, would you like to sit, with me, and my friends?" He offers. I don't know anyone here and sitting with Reed is not an option, and it would be great to have some friends.

"Sure, I would love to." I tell him and head over to class. I enter the class and everybody stops doing what they are doing and turns towards me.

"Oh, you must be the new student. You can introduce yourselves and go find a place to sit." the teacher tells me. God, I hate the introduction part.

"Hey guys, I am Kiara Tennyson, and I am an exchange student from India. I hope we can all be friends and not rip my head apart." I tell with a chuckle, some people join me.

"Thank you, Ms Tennyson. You can take a seat, and by the way, I am Mr Justin Seville" The teacher introduces himself smiling warmly at me. I look around the class, and I see an empty table behind Reed and another one beside a brunette-haired girl. I go and take a seat beside that girl and smile at her.

"Hey, Kiara. I am Kate, and welcome to hell." I chuckle at her words. She is beautiful with straight, brunette hair which reaches her shoulder, beautiful light brown eyes, and a slim frame. I can tell that she is a carefree, very bold, and strong person.

"Nice to meet you, Kate," I tell her and listen to the class. He doesn't teach much, he just gives some assignments to complete and Kate and I get to know each other. Soon the bell rings, and we say our goodbyes, and I head over to the next class. The rest of the day goes by, and soon it's lunch. I head over to the cafeteria and get food. I see people looking at me, but I ignore it and try to find a seat. I see a familiar blonde waving me to come over.

I go towards Luke, and he is sitting with Kate and another girl and a boy at the table, which is pretty close to Reed's. I head over and take a seat beside Kate, and opposite me is Luke and another boy.

"Hey Kiara, looks like you already met my twin." she says, motioning to Luke. Kate and Luke look nothing alike he has blonde hair, and she has brown hair. He has piercing blue eyes, whereas she has beautiful brown eyes. Luke senses my confusion and answers me.

"Yeah, we look nothing alike she looks like our dad, and I look like our mom." I look over to the other boy who is smiling at me.

"And this idiot specimen here is Noah. He is the clown of our group." Kate introduces the brown-haired boy. He is very tall with curly hair. He looks at Kate and pouts at her putting his hand on his heart in mock hurt. I chuckle at his antics.

"Since they won't introduce me, I will do it myself. I am Ava. Nice to meet you," the girl introduces herself. She is also pretty with brown hair and blue eyes clear as the sky. After all the introductions are over, Luke tells everybody how we met, and I get to know that they have been friends from freshman year. I look around the cafeteria, and I see Reed has a blonde on his lap, and they are making out. I feel my lunch coming back up and a pang at my chest. I don't know why.

"Get a room. It's disgusting." I suddenly blurt out without thinking, and the whole room goes silent. Uh Uh.