Breaking His Walls

School is finally over. The last few days have been hectic with exams and all. Today is the last day of me being a junior. I am currently waiting for my friends at the parking lot.

“Hey, Kiara,” Luke greets me.

“Hey, Luke,” I greet him back, and soon Ava, Kate, and Noah join us.

“So, guys, what are you doing this summer,” Ava asks everyone.

“I forgot to tell you guys. I am going back to India,” I tell them excited.

“What? But, we were all going to go to my beach house and spend the summer vacation,” Noah tells me with a pout.

“When are you leaving?” Luke asks me

“Tomorrow,” I tell him.

“I planned a whole week of shopping for three of us for swimsuits and beach items,” Kate tells me.

My eyes widen. Me and shopping. Oh please. I am not a girl who likes shopping. For six months I went shopping twice, and that was last year for Christmas.

Ava chuckles, looking at my expression.