I Love Him

“So, yeah, basically Andrew is living with us now,” I finish the story as we walk to the cafeteria. It has been two days since Andrew has moved into his room. Although he feels uncomfortable at times, he is happy to live with us.

We all enter the cafeteria, and I see Andrew already sitting at our table, and he is reading a book. He does not hide his face anymore, and no one bothers him.

We all get our food and sit down.

“Hey, Andrew,” Kate greets him.

“H- hey,” Andrew greets, blushing furiously.

“Hey, guys,” Adrian greets us. For the past two days, Adrian and Reed have been sitting with us during lunch. Reed comes and sits beside me. We got to know each other more, and let me tell you, Adrian and Noah being together is gold, both of them are hilarious.