Five years later.
Here lies beloved An-
"Kiara," I hear my brother's voice. He comes to me and pulls me into a side hug.
"He is still alive, Kiara, here." He says, motioning to his heart.
It's been five years since that dreadful day. Keith said his last goodbye and left me alone in this world. The doctors were able to keep his heart alive and performed Andrew's surgery. His heart did fail during the surgery, and they replaced Andrew's heart with Keith’s.
Here Lies Beloved And Loved Keith Tennyson
January 6, 1998- June 15, 2019.
He is buried near my parent's graves. He will be at peace with them in heaven now. After the heart monitor went flat. I was frozen in place. Somebody dragged me outside the room while the doctors tried to bring him back to life. He lost a lot of blood, and his brain took a lot of damage. I didn't cry. There were no more tears. It's like I completely shut off my emotion. I regret one thing, though. I didn't say that I love him back.