The Last Resort

Moon Festival

"Mom, can't I ever go outside for a change"

"No,my son I wish you could but I'm sorry it's too complicated for you to understand."

"No, it's difficult or complicated to understand that I'm just a mistake!" He roared at his mother.

The mother too heart broken to reply her only born. Too broken she simply look out the window her face baring no signs of emotion.

What was she to say when the child she so loved called himself a mistake ba.

"My child it is just too dangerous for you to go out there at night and during the moon festival you know this my child. I have explained it many a times to you ." She scolded Wen Shang who had cast his face downward.

He too knew it was dangerous to go out at this time of the night.

But he really loved the Moon Festival, it was his favourite festival right next to the Mid-Autumn Festival when everyone would have to perform with their abilities.

But never had he seen any sign of receiving his element.Not even his crazed uncle who said he could tell when it would appear showed signs of knowledge. He always made the excuse of 'I'm too tired' or 'next time'.

"Mom please let me go I'll bring Hong EnLai,"he gleefully said tears threatening to slip. His beautiful cheeks rosey.

Standing up she walked passed her son,"please mother." He cried softly as he watched her walked towards the door. The servants walking carefully behind her until she stopped directly at the entrance of his bedroom, she turned slightly and look at her son before speaking,

"Never...never will you leave this house," she looked back only her eyes said nothing but sorrow,anger and disgust.


"Uwh uwwwwh!"

"Why me,uwh!"

"What ha-(chocked)-ve I done to deserve this treatment."

"Urgh,"he exclaimed in pain.

His chest constricted,heart a wild tattoo breathing heavily he shrunk down to his knees.

Men hurriedly coming his way,"General An are you okay?"


An Chang ... what is to say about the general.

He is alone, no wife or lover at his side. He works all day and night long for the Realm of Peace ,not even the princess had won his heart everytime she tried he would block her with his air spheres, there had never been a General with the Element of Air in over a thousand years.

No one knows what even happened to the last air bending General. But there had been rumors about.......

"Ohhh General An ! Why don't you write back to me any more ba!" A female asked. Some would say she looked perfect. She wore a white hanfu with pink inner robes that peeked when she walked, her sleeves and the headdress had a bit of pink on it too.

Quick question, did he even care about the countless hearts he had won? No ! He never wanted them in the first place.

"Princess I think it best if you leave our master alone." Said his right-wing An Teng.

A short man but fast and difficult to beat in combat.A man of great powers to...oh did I forget to mention it he too had no partner.

"An Cha-." She couldn't finish the name she had started before An Chang gave her a calm yet deadly gaze.

An Chang spoke,"Who gave you the permission to speak my name"

The guard knew ,she knew too he would never allow anyone of them to speak of his name unless they were begging for a broken bone or two.

"Sorry, An Jiayi" she spoke in monotone.

A slight smile( unoticed by the others around him) and he was gone off walking towards the Hong Clan.

The Hong clan was well known but were quiet as well. Nothing bad was ever said about them, in secret yes by those green tea loving bitches who would stop it nothing but to defame their prestigious Sect name.

Hong Scect

Unlike other sects they practiced the dark arts of healing. Their family bending art was fire, but only a few could bend with out using fire which was difficult to master. They never used their bending technique for any bad but in order to help the innocent.

Fire bending was banned out of the Scect wall beside in aid to those in danger. And even so you would have to pay the damages to having burnt something so it was banned in whole.

When it came to dark arts none ever revealed it.

It was said that only the family near the dark arts but the rumours only went this far.

He was close by to the manor now .

How had the Clan Leader his brother even managed to get him to come here. He has never wanted to get married so why come to this place. Of cause he could have come up with an excuse of no he couldn't come too busy with work, but you see there was more to it than what meets the eye.

"Greetings General, we are honored by your visit, you as well Chief An Teng." The Wife of Hong Zian answered. Hong Zian was the Clan Leader of the entire property after his father died.

"Mhh,en the honor is ours, as you can see the General, my good friend isn't quite the talker."

Teng said looking nervous about this situation he had been thrown into.

He never wanted to come up into this meeting between the Family of his soon to be Madam and the General, but as the Wei family did not have a chaperone for the young miss of the Wei Manor.

"Ahh, I see right this way ." Second mother said to both men as she began to lead them in a westerly direction.

The house seemed to be full of the colour.

Fast workers ,thinking ahead for their benefit.

They passed the prayer hall where they found a few Ladies probably cousins of Miss Zhenzhen

The rest was filled with turns and twists.

This house seemed to be a maze before entering the the centre of it.

There they found the family , some sat down some standing all getting ready for the Moon Veneration or Prayer for the Moon God or more specifically Yang the Moon spirit. Or as some would believe it the father of General An Chang himself. Wouldn't you like to know tha-"Zhenzhen come the General has arrived.

"Yes mother I'm coming." Right as she finished her sentence a beautiful young maiden appeared from behind them, beautiful was not the word you would use the discribe her dress.

Her hair a brownish color with pink Jade pin to hold it in place.

She wore a white under dress which was layered with a larger one with the edges embroidered in red patterns her sleeves were embroidered in the same manner as well.

The Shenyi had web-like pictures of a pink cherry blossoms.

She only wore a gentle smile as she walked towards the two,her head down cheeks aflame,from shyness perhaps or shame you wouldn't tell as only one would,but alas that person was not in view at the moment but locked up in their room.

The Moon shone upon her as she walked and cam to a stand still,bowing deeply at the General and a brief nod to Cheif Teng.

But the general only looked at her from the heart and saw the evil that lay within her but kept quiet.

"Amma,please bring out the jade rings for the soon to be married couple...General follow me please."

The family soon gathering to witness the engagement ceremony take place. The somber expression of the general made them question the way he would treat their child .

"General you would not mind if I ask this question but are you prepared for what is to come between you and my daughter." A worried father asked the Young Master.

In the other room Wen Sheng could here everything said. Pitty, he would have really enjoyed meeting the new guests, that had come for his elder sister. He hated his life of entrapment.