Stuffing my face

Morning After


"Ah! What was that?" Wen Sheng asked as he looked next to him to discover that the straight faced General was not in bed next to him. Scratching his head with one finger he asked into thin air."A-hubby where are you?" His brow knotted and his lips pouted he looked around the room.

So simple.

Getting up from the bed he yawned profoundly, stretching his aching body he fixed his clothing and walked around until he spotted something by the folding screen.

It was black in colour with a red showl, the edges of the sleeves depicted red and orange flower embroidery .

"A dress," he studied it a bit more before putting it over the screen. As he was about to turn towards the bathroom he saw on the chair a white bowl with a silver butterfly motif- of the An Clan on one side and on the other side a red flame motif. Ah! He thought why a veil was he that ugly. He lower lip jutting out like a sore thumb he pouted in frustration.

Finally stomping away he closed the door to the bathing room.


"General An , "An Teng burst out into rich male laughter."So tell me a how was your wedding night ah ah." Annoying little Chief Teng was teasing An Chang in the sect walls as they strolled through the narrowed road inbetween the residence, section for the females.

"I suggest you keep quiet."

Teng,"Lan Zhan what is this now a, the possessive type I see,(he kartowed) I apologize for over stepping but I'm just excited that's all my good friend."

The juniors were all scattered all the areas as they read, studied or practice their bending techniques. Some had begun to perform archery.

Controlling the wind arrow the arrow befre using it to shoot at the target.

They approached a bend when An Chang spotted a maiden in black and red attire the clothing of the Hong family. He appeared to be moving arrogantly but if truth be known for the first time he was fast walking towards the woman who was drawing in small groups.

"Who are you,"An Chang jumping to the conclusion of the story before it had even begun to appear.

The woman turned to face him,"A-hubby, I was looking for you the guards to assigned me did not want to help so I asked the children where you were and I came."

While he had been talking his hair fell onto his face surprisingly he reached out to return it while Cheif Teng at his side gapped like a fish next to them.

"A-Hubby, what's the matter are you sick,(Teng looks back and forth between them Wei Wu Xian moves closer to examine Lan WangJi, touch his cheek.)you look pale to me."


"Mmn"came the same straight answer.

Teng next to him was walking around Wen Sheng examining him up and down before returning to An Chang side and speaking,"He always looks pale to me nothing ever changes." He shrugged his shoulders.

Besides him An Chang looked indifferent.

This man really looked good in female dress. He thought to himself. Maybe I shouldn't tell brother.

"Come we must not be late for the second day of the Wedding Ceremony." His earrings shimmered in the sunlight.

Wen Sheng just filled behind him softly afraid of losing face.

As they walked people talking and laughing filled his ears so he smiled brightly behind his veil.

Jumping up and down he pointed towards the canteen "A-HUBBY can we go inside please, please."he cried out in ecstasy.

Cheif Teng nearly choking at the way this woman had called his senior 'a-hubby'.

"An Chang (he came closer to the other) I suggest we head inside before any more eyes feast upon this sight. The other only looked at a-Sheng's wide eyes.


"Yeh thank you hubby."

He lifted his hem before readily approaching the stair but was stopped by the general.

"My name is, An Chang." Was all he said before walking ahead of Wen Sheng.

"Ahh!" Cheif Teng was so buffled he lost his balance on the first step he was about to take and slipped hitting his forehead on the stair.

Maidens had been passing by when he slipped so they laughed at him as they walked into the canteen.


"what is the best in here?"

Looking at him An Chang debated for a while before speaking.

"Ohhh, okay I want that one too than."

"Ohhh, Great General has brought the lady out to eat." Wen Sheng took it upon himself to stay behind his now husband.

He dusted the chairs and whipped the table clean before letting the other to sit. The woman from earlier on could be heard follwed by Cheif Teng holding his big crown.

"An Chang save me these girls are trying to kill me with humiliation."

He sat at Hong Wen Sheng's seat leaving him to seat beside An Chang, who sat calmly drinking his herbal tea.

Poker faced his focus was on the one who sat idly by his side.

Stuffing his face with all he could find.