The Truth at Spring Jade Mountain

The real truth of Yin Yang

Upright he stood in proper manner as he awaited his Spirit Partner.

Clad in white robes, his jade-white skin shin with a hint of pink.

Truth be known the spirit was rather nervous this century.

He had been in love with the Lady Yin who worked with him when ever it be necessary.

They had had many adventures in the mortal realms together but never was anything said by him or her.

She had been more and more reckless this centuries with her powers never controlling herself as she would want to reawaken then seal-off.

He saw her appear from the west as she flew with grace and Land on the Black Jade.

She kowtowed in greeting,"I Lady Yin of the dead and destination greet his light Lord Yang."

"And I Spirit Lord Yang great you Lady Yin."

"Why do you call me hear." She looked away in shear basfulness.

"I proclaim my love for you, as I have loved you since the beginning of time."he knelt as he said those word to her.

She giggled as she took the lily from his hands.

"And I have loved you too my Yang,"he looked up at her in warmth."love me for ever my love and I shall do the same for you."

"I shall dear heart, I shall."


"Yang! Anh~ah!" The spirit being continued to scream in pleasure as Yang showed her in his love.


Her name was like a played melody of zither. His movements slowed but the force was enough to wake the heavens as he thrust into Yin's delicate delights.


The lord of light couldn't hold it in anymore, surging forward he spilled his seed deep with in her. The warm liquid flowed into her.

He looked into her eyes,"For a thousand years i shall love you and more."

"I shall." She caressed his pale-like cheeks with both hand on either side.


The winds picked up speed as the tablet of balance beam to crack, breaking Yin and Yang spirits apart.

"No..please you can't leave me like this!"

Rotating more Yang tried as best as possible to keep both of them together.

"No Yin stay!You promised to never leave me,a thousand years together please!"

Yin only looked at her partner," I have to." She said her voice pained as she looked at her lover.

"We knew this day would come." She began to fade as she prepares to leave the Spirit World.


"I will always be with you."


She finally faded leaving nothing but her jade ring, it was white.

He cried for a few decades as without his Yin he was nothing.


The mortal realm

"Yin, I pray to that my dear son shall be healed, please give me back my son please!

The female bowed repeatedly at the female impression of Lady Yin. She began to hit her head as well he black clothing stained in red drops of blood.

She was mourning the loss of yet another child. For years the heavens have bees against her.

"We knew this day would come."

"Let my son be awake! Let my son be awake!Let my son be awake! Let my son be awake!" She repeated this like a mantra.

The son next to her had been born with white hair, and also dead. Like the countless sons she gave birth . Madam Qi Chen .

After a day of prayer she finally heard screams of a newborn, quickly looking next to her her son no longer had white hair rather pure black hair.


Five years later.

"Mama, what does the tale of Yin Yang have to do with me?" Asked a Childe looking at their mother.

"Well child it's what you must prepare yourself for."

"Uhu! Why do I have to prepare for it?"

"You are the one who is lost and needs to be found"

"Am I Yin mama?" The little boy asked in wonder. His mother leading him to a room.

"Yes.." he put him in the room and closed it the Chile inside." That's why you should be kept hidden from all who wish to find you my child."


11years later

"Mom can't I ever go outside?"