Garden of grass

Garden of grass.

Gets bigger and bigger in a blink of an eye.

Some water is fine to keep alive.

Rain drops intensify sometime.

I still thank God for the land in which I stand,

Or for the water in my eyes that keeps the shine.

Horses I will buy.

Only to waste can I have some money and time?

Oh wait.. No one will be this kind.

So I go back and live my life.

Idea, to make better of what I have,

Roses with butterflies,

I wouldn't even want to blink an eye,

Let alone sleep for days and nights.

I dig up the dirt I had so carefully designed.

A seed I place as I silence my desire.

Why is red so bright?

I groan in disgust as I rethink my plans,

If this goes on I will be stuck feeding plants.

One of the flowers kept catching my eye,

More beautiful than anything in sight.

Reminds me of real life..

Alas! I cry

Another one of these errors,

Apart I pick every pedal.

Picked each flower with a little bit of sorrow,

I dig up the dirt to pull out the root of the hurt.

As I lay my head on the grass,

I remembered the comfort of this empty land.