The last time

I feel cold,

Colder than ice.

I touch my hair, haven't been brushed for a while.

My skin feels dry.

I look like someone ugly inside.

My mouth shut so tight.

Eyes opened so wide,

All the time.

I hear the raindrops.

I hear the whispers of the walls.

I hear you crying a thousand feet apart.

I hear the laughter of all the people I wished would rot.

I hear the bees fly, I hear the people who walk by.

I don't hear your voice, no not a single time.

I don't hear anyone who use to advise.

I don't hear these screams of mine.

I don't hear the people's insight, giving me food and water to survive.

I feel cold,

Colder than ice.

When I go outside,

The people on the street point at me like they are terrified.

Their soundless cries,

Eyes wide open just like mine.

I curse the time they got to know me,

And all of a sudden we had these familiarities of lying or cheat, it is like a disease.

I remember you saying "people who lie get caught every time, eventually, they hate the sound of their voice"

I wonder if you understood why,

I wonder if that's why I no longer hear your voice.

When I speak you don't reply,

All I hear are the street dogs barking at night.

They follow me side by side,

I have an idea of when I will die; they will still be by my grave barking till the sunrise.

In the daylight, the people who point and cry will stand and do the same for the rest of their life.

I remember your sight from the last time,

I had witnessed something you didn't like.

I remember you say "the people you don't like will be there when you will make a mistake and they will remind you for the rest of your life, you will be stuck hearing things that won't make you sleep at night"

You hear nothing when I ask, you only hear the sound that tells you; you committed a crime.

Like the dogs that keep barking throughout the night.

I feel cold,

Colder than ice.

I look at myself and in my eyes, I see the sight of the last time.

It has been framed in my mind.

I am thankful I didn't listen that night.

It would have never worked with the memory deep inside.