Take care

Take care.

I wonder why you are so frail.

I thought you will be the one to leave my place.

I wasn't even worth your betrayal.

I think about how fun it would have been to say "The one I loved must have forgotten my name"

Take care.

The people who recognized my face,

They walked away.

They said you were the only one who could stay

But the the story we made wasn't worth living for years.

The ink has faded, you are left with empty pages.

The past is your canvas to paint, just recall the brighter days.

The feeling is so great, I have an old love for bitter sweet tales.

Take care.

You said you will kill for me to be the same.

You will have to kill every person I hate and I will still not praise.

You know everything is stained,

Your face and my name,

You tried to get it out but it never left your brain.

Take care.

Remember my ways.

Remember your tears

And remember all the times I didn't appreciate.

Remember the walls you had to make fall.

Remember to pry about all the stuff you let go by.

Then you will learn to love life.

You will read books and finally understand the meaning behind

Because you don't get to choose why.

Take care.

I know the hurt remains.

Loss of someone loved imprints in the brain.

Its beautiful to know that I will always remember someone when it rains,

Otherwise the feeling doesn't remain the same

But if my heart starts to ache I will come back to relive some days.

A different path we will take if it gets to much too bare.

Though I know even after a decade, after not knowing where I have been if they told you I passed away; you will visit my grave

And you will tell your kids I was someone you knew back in the good old days.