YMM#3: Gunshot

Naiah's POV

I was busy munching some snacks when I glanced at Keiko. His name is a Japanese one I supposed.

After the woman said those words, they wore their hoods and left the scene. Just like that. And now, we're here at the cafeteria. This school was utterly...I don't know how to say it but... I was like, oh my ghad, the owner must be a billionaire, if not, his riches were unexplainable.

Back to Keiko, he's still silent, he thinks deep, huh? I can not!

The thing is...I'm kinda curious why would that woman mentioned me, though she didn't mention my name, she was referring to me. What happened a while back was unexpected, really. But I think, this is not new to me. It's not new to me if they point their gun at my head. I'm used to it.

Back then, I was at some park inside the subdivision where our house at, I heard someone shout as well as the sound of a gunshot. Imagine? I was only 6 years old at that time so I am scared to death. I am shivering and shaking, I don't know how to react, on what to do. I don't know what will happen if I just stood there, so I decided to hide behind a tree.

After some minutes, several gunshots were heard, it was the only noise you can hear. People are shouting and grunting in pain. I was just there the whole night, I nearly shout when a man fell in front of me, in front of my eyes. Good thing it was dark, they couldn't see me. It was my first time seeing a dead person right in front of my eyes. And as a 6 years old child, I was trembling with fear, I was panicking inside.

I wanted to shout for help, but my instinct told me not to. Like it's not the right time to do a reckless and nonsense action. So I kept myself quiet. I did not make any noise until I can't hear any noise. The place went silent. I sighed with relief but my hands and body are still trembling. That was such a scene for a child.

But then silence can be dangerous sometimes.

"Stand up, kid" I was trembling in fear when I felt a hard thing on the back of my head, and I know for sure that it was a gun. His voice was as a stone, hard, and cold.

"Please, spare me please" I am near to crying but I stopped myself. It's not the time to be weak. No, I am not weak, I thought as I slowly stood up from the ground. How did he find me? I asked myself. I faced him and stared at his face.

"Spare you? Nah, why would I?" he asked and chuckled darkly. It was a snapped for me to hear him laughed at me. Suddenly, my eyes turned cold. I stared at him that if looks could kill, he may be lying on the ground, lifeless.

"What a fool" I mockingly said and laughed. He went stilled, he couldn't believe I said those words. But he glared at me after.

"Shut up! You're just a kid, what do you know?" he spat those words right at my face. I hissed and rolled my eyes.

"Do you want to know a secret?" I asked and stood straight. I clapped my hands to shoved the dirt on it. His hand trembled a bit. I lifted an eyebrow when he kept quiet. I took his silence as a yes and not even a one snapped, the gun was now in my hands. I stared at him coldly and...

"I know everything...

Say, you will die in one second..."

Bang! Bang!


"Oh, my ghad!" I glanced at my arms. I shivered. Seriously, I am that child? Geez! Remembering it was really a goosebumps.

"You okay?" I looked at Keiko who asked. Uh, what in the world happened to me? Am I crazy? It seems like I left my soul in that scene.

"Uh, what did you say?" I asked, he looks confused at first but then he sighed afterward.

"Nothing, seems you're okay. I have to go, see you" he then stood up and left me without looking back.

I absentmindedly stared at his physique getting little by little.

"Yes, I'm okay. Really okay" I slowly said and shook my head. I slightly tap both of my cheeks to wake my senses. I sighed and looked at the food in front of me. Was I really spacing out? Oh, what a waste. Hays.

I was about to take a spoonful of cake into my mouth when my phone rang. I reached for it from the table, my eyes widen when I realized it was my alarm. This is my schedule for today. And seems like I'm doomed. I'm lateeeee!

"Class dismissed" I heard our teacher behind the wall where I am leaning on right now. I pout when I saw my classmates getting out of the room. I bowed my head a bit when they passed me. I was playing with my fingers. I really wanna strangle our teacher, hope she can see that.

"Miss Rizonde, next time, be earlier. You know the consequences of it. Clear?" Ms. Lecarra said and walked past me. As soon as she turned her back at me, I rolled my eyes. You're just bitter, Ma'am! She doesn't have a husband, that's why. Geez! That teacher was really making me stress.

While walking in the corridor, I caught a glimpse of Keiko at the back of the building of Architecture.

But because of my curiosity, I followed his tracks. Until he stopped in the middle of the forest. I hide behind a tree when he seems to notice, someone was following him. I waited for a minute and then I took a peek but my jaw dropped when I saw nothing. There was no Keiko at the scene.

My brows furrowed in confusion. I glanced both sides but his shadows were not seen. I shrugged and walked my way out.

It will remain a mystery for me. Yeah, I didn't even hear some noise, like he was very accurate with his movements.

I raised a brow when a familiar red cloak's people blocked my way. Wait, I think I saw them before, oh, that was yesterday. But the people from yesterday weren't here, they are different persons from the ones, yesterday.

"Why is this happening to me?" I asked myself and stared intently at the three persons in front. They were wearing masks.

"What do you need from me?" I asked, and crossed my arms at my chest. They looked at each other before the one in the middle, talk.

"Are you Naiah Rizonde?" Based on the voice, it's a her..

"Yes, that is ma'h name. Why?" I casually said as if we are friends before. That was normal for me to talk this way.

"So, you really are her" she emphasized and in one snap, a sword was swung on my side and I was like, 'hey! Wait a minute! I'm not yet ready!', but then, this is not the right time to be playful.

"Who's her? Excuse me?!" I asked as I tried to dodge their attack. I bowed my head. I turned around once and grabbed the hand of the guy who's carrying a knife and stopped him from stabbing my abdomen. I kicked his balls and punched his face real hard. He fell, asleep. Tsk, weak. Is he really a guy?!

I avoided the dagger that was aimed at my head. I glanced where it came from and there I saw the girl who actually asked my name. She was just chill on her stand and continuously throwing daggers at me. I rolled my eyes as I lifted my right arm and I felt a kick on it, but it's not that hard. It's bearable, she was about to take her foot back but I am faster than a bolt of lightning. I grabbed it and with the use of both of my hands, I lift her body and throw it at the ground. She grunted in pain but I am not yet done with her.

While she was lying on the ground and bearing the lain, I stumped my foot at her shoulder, hard. She grunted and shouted more because of pain. And in one hard-kick at her head, she loses her consciousness, and while at the moment, I was staring at the girl in front.

"Now...answer my question girl," I said and walked my way towards her. She took a step backward but I stopped her.

"Hep! Why are you taking a step backward? I just told you to answer my question. Now, what's with your act?" I asked her but she shooked her head and took another step backward.

"You're not going to talk? Then why bother blocking my way?" I asked again, my eyebrows as high as the Mt. Apo. She still took a step and kept shaking her head.

I nodded and slowly, I reached for the gun that she dropped while taking a step away from me. I stared at it and....


I pulled the trigger and aimed at the floor right in front of her feet. She stumbled down and covered her ears. Geez! Such a coward.

"I said, don't take a step. Girl, just answer my question and you're good to go..." in heaven, of course, or hell? I don't know.

"Who's her are you talking about?" I asked, again for the nth time. She looks like she doesn't know what to do. To answer my question or not. I was about to say something when she opened her mouth to talk, at last.

"You are her. Deny it over and over again but you are---" before she can say those words, I pulled the trigger of the gun.

Bang! Bang! Bang!