
Third Person's POV

A meter distance from the main road, there's an alley. It was dark for the street light post were broken. But, with the help of the moon's brightness, you can have at least a light to walk through.

The place is silent, the silence that can creep you out. No one was around as the place is an abandoned one. No one wants to walk around the place as it gives them an eerie feeling.

Suddenly, a footstep was heard. But then again, the whole place became silent again. After some time, another footstep was heard until it continuously hit the ground whenever it takes a step.

The sound of the heels whenever it takes a step, added the eerie feeling everyone can feel if you suddenly heard that kind of sound when you're alone in an alley, a dark one, per se.

When that someone passes by at an open area wherein the brightness of the sun is freely lighting up the said place, a girl in red was seen.