YMM#41: Is she?

Third Person's POV

[Fifteen Years Ago...]

"Blue!" Red shouted when she saw her sister nearly fell on the stairs. It's a good thing she managed to grab her sister's hand.

"What happened?" Red asks Blue who seems trying to find air. Blue looked at her sister's eyes and she couldn't help but cry in Red's arms.

"Why are you crying? And who told you to sneak in the middle of the night?" Red asks but still, Blue continued crying.

"Blue, stop crying okay? You can't even breathe properly right now..." Red says and put her sister beside the wall just in front of the stairs and lean her into the wall.

"I'll just get you a glass of water, stay here," Red said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Blue just stared at her sister, walking down the stairs as she keeps swelling up tears. She closed her eyes and think. She's troubled about something. It can make her sister go out of control again.