YMM#43: Hell

Third Person's POV

[Fifteen Years Ago...]

"I don't think so. Why do you ask?" Quenda playfully said and stared at the two little girls in front of her.

Red shrugs her shoulders and walks past her and says, "Blue, let's go" Blue nods her head even though Red couldn't see it.

"Excuse us" Blue turns to Quenda and smiled. Blue was about to take a step forward when Quenda held her left arm causes her to stop.

"I am looking for Naiah, do you know her?" as Blue heard what Quenda ask, her curiosity deepens.

"Why are you looking for her?" Blue asks, she remembered what she heard earlier in the news.

"Just because" shrugging, Quenda looks intently at Blue's eyes.

"Nevermind. Anyway, nice meeting you, ciao!" Quenda walks past her. Blue only watches her until she's gone in her sight.

"Blue!" startled, Blue glance at her sister meters away from her. She shook her head and run towards her.
