YMM#56: That was Close

Red's POV

"She left already?" Z asks while walking down the stairs. I nod my head and laid down on the couch and close my eyes.

"And you told her the truth?" she added. I sigh and open my eyes and stared at the ceiling.

"Just told her about Quenda," I said, I heard her sneered. I rolled my eyes and get up from lying on the couch. I look at Z and we both nod our head. We went inside the kitchen. I sat at one of the chairs and watch Z went to the sink as she washed her hands. I glance at my left where the fridge is. I stood up and open it.

"Where's my choco drink?" I ask Z who's busy chopping the apple fruit. She lifts her head and looks at me and shrugged.

"I don't drink choco so, it's not me. Ask my brother" I close my eyes and tried not to burst out. He really is trying to piss me off. I heave a deep breath and went back to my seat.

"Z, prepare yourself. We're going somewhere later" I uttered when I remember what happened earlier.