YMM#59: Nth Time

Red's POV


"You need to go home, Red. I'm going," her dad was about to leave her but she holds the hem of his dad's hoodie.

"You're not leaving again, Dad. Go home with me," she said, pleaded rather. But her dad just looked at her, apologetically.

"You don't understand, go home!" He coldly said and took a step forward but a gunshot startled them, not to mention, Red was only a child. It was her first time to encounter such a situation.

"Damn!" Her dad cursed. He unconsciously gets his pocket knife in his pocket. As he turned around, he accidentally pointed his knife at her daughter's eyebrow causing it to bleed.

"Stay here, no, go back and leave this place, hurry!" Her dad shouted. He was to focus on the culprit who fired the gun he didn't notice that he hurt her daughter.


I open and close my eyes as I rose from my bed. I winced in pain when I tried to move my right hand. I glanced at it and heaved a sigh when I saw it was patched up with gauze.