The reason for temptation is simply mixed feelings birthed from the desire to have what you don't have. These mixed feelings could leave one wandering in deserted good thoughts which could lead into the valley of the shadow of death and that is why it is very important to put all your trust in God, by not leaning on your own understanding where the devil could infect your reasoning to reason and the moment you start reasoning, reasons stays alive and it is only when reason dies that faith will spring and without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Were Adam and Eve not naked and were not ashamed before they took and ate of the fruit of the tree that God commanded them not to (Genesis 2: 25)? Then, what now happened that nakedness now became a problem to Adam and Eve; just the way truth is now becoming an offense to us who are supposed to be the ambassador of truth?

Why is there so much gross lawlessness in our churches today? There is lawlessness in our churches today because the truth we now hate and the lies is what we are now loving and as a result, the love of many are waxing cold, because the orb of life is missing in our lives. Life must orbit around love and rotate around truth and driven by faith without which we cannot please God and this will activate the nature of God in us and without this, we cannot see what God is seeing and it is in what we are ordained to see as God is seeing that we can walk the right path that will lead us to true rest. Jesus is the orb of our lives, why are taking him out of our life's equation?

From my personal experiences I have discovered that nothing makes meaning like your relationship with God through Jesus Christ and I tell you the truth, your marriage will be like hell if your relationship with Jesus Christ is sick. Sometimes we deceive ourselves by saying all is well, even when we are going through hell, this is not positive confession at all. Majority of us have a relationship with Jesus Christ that is sick because we get easily distracted with things that does not matter to God.

Your knowledge of God's love is very paramount to the direction of the flow of your life. You cannot love God and also lusts after the world, but the devil will cunningly and subtly introduce something that will eventually drift your attention and take you far from the knowledge of God if your understanding is what you are leaning on and this is here most Christians are missing it. If the standard of our identity is God's image in accordance to His likeness, can you see clearly the missing orb when the claim you are hinging on is LIKE GOD as suggested to Eve by the subtle twister in Genesis 3; 5? And I want you to know that woman is the symbolic picture of the church, which is giving birth to the children of God.

You may want to ask, "What do you mean by orb?

Orb is simply defined as any of the concentric spheres in old astronomy surrounding the earth and carrying the celestial bodies in their revolution or a sphere surmounted by a cross that symbolizes kingly power and justice.

This implies if good power and justice is missing from life, evil power and injustice will seem to be on the rule and all these is because man left where he was supposed to be with God. This has nothing to do with religious belief, but has everything to do with reality and the reality here is the very truth of God's Word which is a perfect gift of love. The missing orb of life is the essence of our soul giving us a glimpse into after life and that is why the Bible have it that, "Even death cannot separate us from the love of God" (Romans 8: 35 – 39).